Dish Network people... .SpeedHD is here!

Along with these in HD… FX, Mav, Logo, Ftv.

One little issue. It seems that a lot of people aren’t getting the new HD channels without having tech support send a re-hit to you receiver to refresh the programming. I did that last night via the web chat and 2 minutes later I had my new channels. Probably a bug in the activation script in deal with those new access cards everyone had to install.

Also, DVR programming via the web:

The mobile site works perfect on the iPhone.

sweet you can control your DVR from you computer. I wish DirecTV would have thought of that… oh wait.

it is nice that you can do tech support in a chat session though.

hmm…there’s only a few more I’m waiting for and I can dump the expensive package and go to TurboHD. :tup:

I’m surprised it took you 7 days to post this.

I can’t believe you’re off welfare :stuck_out_tongue:

Come out and buy me a beer now.

I saw SpeedHD the other day, and haven’t changed the channel since.

Now we just need military channel in HD

Heh, took me 7 days to get the time to have them re-hit my receiver to get the damn channels. Didn’t want to post it until I actually saw it work.

He didn’t have a job. All he did was sit around in is under ware and watch daytime television.
He spent all of our tax dollars on as seen on tv products. His garage is full of shamwows, and ronco roasters.

you guys just got speedhd? lol

Do you need to bring bullshit to every thread?

Isn’t there some GM thread you need to be shitting on talking about how awesome your ambiguously gay duo convertible is?


oh snap

jay just


See, he knows it’s all in good fun.

if you’re gonna dish it out, you might as well be able to take it back.

Time Warner needs to implement the remote DVR controls. SOOOOO many times I have wished that I had it.

what dish package do you need for that

I’m waiting for the sling enabled DVR dish has been showing. Watching my DVR’d shows anywhere with an internet connection > *.