disinfect a car interior?

everyone knows about how dirty a car can get from sitting in someones garage.

How do you disinfect it to prevent catching anything, like a fungal infection or something like that?



bring your car over and show me how its done before I try this :banghead:

Just go to JAM’s and wait… its bound to happen to at least 1 of the cars in the parking lot.

You will never get your white trash stank out of the car.

put it in a bubble

sorry i left a couple loads on the back seat

OK, on a serious note. New fabric of choice and have all the seats recovered. Or new seats. And strip the seats out anyway and get it recarpeted.

i dont know, how bad is it? is it like the myth busters test, were they let dead pigs sit in the car and then tried to clean it? Cause it didnt work for them, the company that they hired couldn’t even get the smell out.

The car dosent smell WTF hahaha
I just like stuff clean so I as wondering what to use to clean it.
Nothing that has sat in a garage for 4 years can be healthy.

I love some of the responses tho, should be good for 4 or 6 points.

If youre thinking theres like mold and fungus and crap, you will probably have to pull the carpets and sound deadening material and go after that.

Otherwise if it was kept just in a dusty dry place just a wipedown with a diluted APC and maybe a shampoo and extract of the soft surfaces I would think would suffice

Yeah its just really dusty it sat in a garage for 4 years

Ima have a go with lysol then do the general seat cleaners carpet cleaners ect.

Give it a really good vac first, like get an old paint brush and just wisk all the dust into the hose, youll save your self alot of time once you introduce moisture with w/e cleaner you use

Just Shampoo the carpets well, Vacuum them dry. Scrub the seats well, Vacuum dry. Scrub all of the hard plastic with some diluted cleaner and a firm bristled brush. Armorall all of the plastics. Vacuum headliner. Scrub seatbelts with diluted cleaner and a medium-firm brush.

Car should be pretty damn clean after that if you do a good job. Be super anal about it, take your time. I’ve spent 4 hours cleaning my interior before and didn’t feel satisfied with the cleanliness of it so I feel your pain. Sad thing is my car is just about 2 years old now, LOL.

Clean, dry microfiber towels will be your best friend with removing dust off of hard plastics such as the dash quickly and easily.

Baking soda is a good start.

Also, Change the cabin air filter ASAP, and run your blower fan on high for a while before cleaning.

Just leave all the doors open for an hour while you let it run through. You don’t want to be breathing in any of that nasty shit that’s been sitting in those vents.


Only you would be able to pick out all of that.

thanks, alot of good advice in here.
I plan on going to town on it soon.