distributor or coil failure

hey im really curious if anyone else had this happen.
basically i have no spark, so I had to get a tow from 410 and steeles to etobicoke :frowning: too bad ran really good…

So, Im wondering if this seems to happen often on ka24e engines, and if it was the coil, how much is one of those.

thanks I’d appreciate your input

If you dont have spark it is most likeley to be the coil, but it is wise to test the coil before you buy another one.

To test it, check for voltage, then, if there is voltage, place a test light on the negative lead of the coil. When cranking the test light should pulse. If it doesn’t then the coil is dead.

Also you can measure the resistance in the coil, but I dont know off hand what the spec resistance is for it.

If your coil is good then your next step is to check the distributor & wiring.

the coil has been replaced, still gets no spark, we tried reversing the leads,
there’s no spark jumping from the wire to the distributor nor is there a spark
jumping from the coil to the wire. Is this thing hooked up directly to the battery?
or does it go through crazy number of fuses and wires or even a ECU?
need help, or i’m going to be alone reaching alone to wasaga lol