Anybody else found it amusing how the alien made a grenade out of his weapon technology in minutes?
Whys that so hard to belive? With whatever the technology is maybe all it takes is a few pieces to make something that blows up?
Kinda liek putting a ton of M80’s in a enclosed space like a can
Why did the main character try to fly the ship after knocking out the alien even though he couldn’t have done much without him.
Thats kinda like when say someone desperatly needs to get home, your trashed, all you drive is a 5 speed, they dont know how to drive, they think they can do it because all they can think about is how fucked their goign to be if they dont get to wherever they need to go… They learn quickly
How believable was the fact that the government setup a slum zone for one of the greatest discoveries of the human race?
Very believable, and if you ddient notice it seemed at first they tried to let them out into the “human” world but realized there was a gap in how they communicated/lived so they seperated them…
The whole movie was one big play on real life slums how the goverment fucks lowerclass americans and forigeners alike
How believable is hat the fuel turns people into aliens?
They never said it was a fuel, simply a “Fluid” corn starch can be used to make food or used a fuel, H20 can hydrate your body or fuel a vehicle…
Same type of deal i suppose