Diverging Diamond Intsections...

Would be way better if the road was elevated but eh. I can only see this thing being a huge pain in the ass to plow in winter + more turns = more spins?? :gotme:

That you tube video makes it look just like the cluster fuck I would imagine.

Just as many chances to get t-boned, and the cloverleaf has no required stop lights or weird crossing that old people will totally fuck up.

So 4 million to try something new?

what a cluster fuck

that vid doesn’t look bad. I bet it will work out OK.

So what is the benefit? besides working out ok and being some silly european lookin design.

wasting your tax dollars.

Truth. Hell look at traffic circles. I’ll take a traffic circle over a stop light any day. They are just a fast, good way to manage traffic. However, people get too easily confused and don’t know how to use them properly/effectively so they then kinda suck.

I Can imagine this shit completely fucking up a gps or tourists who are visiting an unfamiliar area. Especially being on the “wrong” side of the row, and because of all the turns. Ever try to use a GPS in a traffic circle lol?

And i’m pretty sure at :28sec that guy who was trying to merge got plowed over unless he went WOT lol.

the design looks kind of sketch


it cant get much worse than it is presently right?
so why not give it a shot.

it’s actually not bad right now, except for like 30 min in rush hour.

I agree 100%. I wish people knew how to use them. Traffic circles are way more efficient and only confuse the people who should not be on the road in the first place.

thats not nearly as bad as in some places.

sorry, i was feelin a bit gangsta that day… not pronouncing the last letter of words, and spelling them as they sound

word, son.