Circles, Roundabouts etc

Call them what you want i HATE THEM.

There are 2 purposed to be put in rotterdam 1 at the end of erie blvd, by GE, and 3 by u albany. I think they cause more accidents then anything else.

ALSO 1.6 million is to goto this roundabout in schenectady, ive gone to 4 town meeting and spoke out, if they can waist 1.6 mil on a road that isnt needed to be redone, when they cant fix up hamalton hill, and all the shitty neighborhoods?


Are you kidding me. I LOVE the ones they just recently put in at exit 12. Cut the traffic congestions down there easily by 80%. Plus late at night coming home I’ll time myself through the circle series heading 87n of exit 12 to Ballston Spa. Pretty quick in the Evo’s :wink:

If the mass of the population just knew how to drive through them they wouldn’t be such a headache for most people.

they only cause more accidents because people in this world are fucking morons and dont know how to drive worth a shit

I think they make things much less congested as BoxerSix said. and when it’s wet + RWD + no traffic = FUN!

i love the ones at ex12 fun as hell at night

exit 12? is that the one with like 4 in a row? then thats right near Jeremiahs’s (daemonspeeds) house. i LOVE those at night

But i love them only when no one is around, if theres a lot of cars mr directional is on arm out the window me screaming were im going…lol u get the idea. i HATE people/STUPID drivers.

and i hate people that dont drive daily like there on a closed course

i like the exit 12 ones, plus any other one i can be sideways through with nobody in my way. rotary’s FTMFW.

like a mini-drift course for the bimmer. ;D

i went over 2 of em in the jeep oops

Roondaboots ftmfw

Jeff… don’t ever go to Cape Cod… THAT’S ALL THAT THERE IS. Roundabout after roundabout…

Oh yeah, and they suck.

any one with at least a 1/4 brain can figure out the traffic circle. It’s just a bunch of yields. Not much to complain about really… You wanna complain about a stupid setup then talk about the cluster fuck of 4-way stops in latham farms.

I personally love traffic circles. I go up to exit 12 every week… love it!

Yeah the 4 way stops in Latham Farms is fucking stupid and people are retarded when they go through there. If they had a couple traffic circles in there it would be a lot better.

i dont like those. too damn many of em there. i can never figure out where the hell im supposed to be to go in a certain direction hahah

they are SAFER than stop lights because they require you to slow down to go through them, they reduce traffic, which reduces emissions, which saves people money, dont leave this area if you are afraid of them, they are all over the place, the west coast is loaded with them, so is the south, they are spreading, id much rather make my way through a roundabout than sit at a light.

sounds like you are the stupid driver if you have to yell at people, its quite simple, and they even have signs to follow, but its usually stay right if you are getting out of the circle to exit to another direction, get in the left lane if you are going around it and exiting the same road you entered through. not very hard if you ask me :confused

amazing, right? :lol I guess it is technically harder then colored lights that tell you exactly what to do. It does involve some sort of thought, which maybe difficult for some people.

there was an article in the times union many months ago that said that there have been far less accidents at the traffic circles off exit 12 then there was the year before with the lights AND it cut the average time to get through that area in half.

I love coming in hot and blasting around people that come to a complete stop at the YIELD signs.

And apexing the roundabouts…fuck lanes who needs lanes? :rofl

Fuck yeah, on a daily basis ;D

they actually just took a bunch of them out of somewhere down south i forget where…because they were acctually causing more accidents. i mean i love em, but i just thought i would throw that out there…

+1! :nod