Divorced: how did you deal with it? [now with more drama!]

Bored at night drunk, a group of people bare the same tag sign, like Metal_daze_blahblah

all friends who hung out together and would go boot other crews off messenger ect.

Basically, get drunk and argue with people on the mic. good times when your bored at 1am.

those days died when yahoo messenger got rid of user rooms.

corpus christi texas, i lived there, i miss the SPID, ah good times in christi. i once made it back from corpus to buffalo in 24 hours driving.

this can be locked aswell.

its gone far above and beyond its first intention.

^ ignore this post.

So wait… how old was she and how old were you when this alleged seedy motel cherry popping took place?

17 and 19/20 i would say

:lol: :wtf:

fyi littlefoot is a real person because i have met her before, twice i think


sorry sir, but you have lost all respect.

Wait, wait, wait. You met on Yahoo Messenger, went to Texas to meet her, while she was still in high school. Then she lost her virginity in a motel room to some dude who she barely knew, and then dropped and moved here with you?

And this bitch is talking shit to ME?


i’m just quoting this so you can’t delete it.

Im not going to delete posts. she knows what was posted. Weve been texting the entire time.

I kind of feel bad for you.

Thanks dawn. I really got outted in all of this. I probabaly shouldnt have waited forever for her to not make it up to me, I should have just showed her how I felt I guess.

It really sucks when you love someone enough to look past everything, but they dont love you enough to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh with the past burried.

I offered to forgive her family and try to get along with them, I offered a fresh start and gave my word id treat her better than I treated her in the honeymoon stage of our relationship which she held near and dear.

I offered her a ticket back to texas if it didnt work, She had nothing to lose, and she wont get over herself and give me another chance.

We faught tooth and nail about her going because i knew this bullshit would happen, shit made me crazy.

I need to wear a sign that says
Seeking female who cleans, does not need to cook, ever.
Not scared of commitment
loves me how i love them
knows if I say ill never leave, i wont.
freak in the bedroom
her having a job is optional.

You need a hug bruh

i need something. :fu:

you really do need to post pics of little foot. nudes or not.

i wouldnt do her like that.

edit: even thru all of this

Something tells me there’s nothing little about her.