Divorced: how did you deal with it? [now with more drama!]

well, thats not really a fair question, because you cant get the same results from doing nothing. (strength, physical appearance, endorphins, feeling of accomplishment)

Working out is a hell of a drug which is probably why they get into that routine. Plus if you can act in a social situation there are plenty of girls at the gym and odds are if they are in the gym, they are doing something positive for themselves… this is a good thing so you don’t end up with a girl who sits in a bar all the time and just drinks and gets fat.

I would work on my house…f that gym noise (i wish I had it in me to go)

In for the story behind the sobbing

That’s like asking if you could get rich by staying home would you still go to work.

Plain and simple, some people truly enjoy going to the gym. Sure if I could all a sudden sit at home and gain muscle mass by some freak of nature, no I wouldn’t go to the gym. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy going to the gym and the gains that result from it.

Just because your friends made it their life and were miserable with it, doesn’t mean everyone is.

And to regress, some people genuinely love what they do for a job so even if they were rich, they would still continue doing it.

That’s a good idea…don’t you have a bunch of houses? Do them up. There’s always shit that can be improved and increase value many times what they cost. Plus new shit rocks.

I may just be jaded on the gym because I have a condition that makes it damn near worthless for me. I just end up getting pissed off.

That definitely sucks

In for explanation of condition!

HGH deficiency…I’ve discussed it on here before. Basically the shit that taking shots of made Barry Bonds and co super jacked, I don’t make naturally. When insurance cut me off of the shots at 18 the gym stopped doing anything for me except get me pissed off that everyone else was going up in weight. I won’t go back til I can afford to get the stuff black market. Or maybe some deca durabolin :stuck_out_tongue:

IIRC Karter had some kind of condition as well… He’s PMed me about mine before.

I was waiting for that :deadhorse:, each case should not be based on other people’s thoughts. Seek help, find compassion, mercy and communicate…

Everyone has issues and has soon has you find out what other peoples issues are, you will want yours back!

Using NYspeed to help give you direction will not work

You need ask her for time away for each other, and think about all the “other” things that make you… I have project A.D.D but I use the internet and magazines to obtain that fix.

Wise up- you made a vow- the church said it was going to be hard from the start… marriage isnt easy, pimping isnt easy, mo money = mo problems. Wise- up. You need to pimp slap yourself.

Honestly, my answer is man up. Taken all those pussy ass emotions and put them in a bottle and stuff them way deep down. Just be happy you don’t have kids with her. You can be done with her and move on completely in another 6 months.

ughh, working out feels like going to work for me. just deal with it the way O.J . did.

And john has spoken… :stuck_out_tongue:

3 years and no kids? Learn from it (you post all the goddamned time about how shitty you treat her under the guise of being manly) and then move on and don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Good luck.

Lots of alcohol…should help ease the pain.

I was wondering if you were going to chime in. I was anxiously waiting. Weak.


Time is the only way through, everything else will just fade away as a temporary solution.

read things that take your mind off of the situation


see! you’re already forgot her.

It has a lot to do with who left who. In my first marraige I left her so I was the happy one. It was 14 years of hell.

I can relate more when my wife died. That is like being the one who was divorced. That is when I went and bought my bike. It gave me something to focus on and put my time into. Get a hobby and emerse yourself. It’ll save your sanity.

Avoid drugs and alchohol. It never helps.

Good luck!

searching over your old post, are you sure this isnt a fight?

Does this mean Little Foot won’t be posting here anymore?