DIY- indash shiftlight

I used to have my shiftlight

not a bad idea i like that alot.
clean install to

Nice; I always liked Harlan’s products; and everyone installs them differently. Good job.

lol damnit… IB4indashfleshlight

Very cool man :tup: beats having a hulking speedo/light sitting on your dash

Flesh Light goes in the steering wheel :snky:

Ive got an in-dash shift light in my car(stock), it’s pretty sweet

i like it nice write up very clean :tup:

Thats really cool. Nice job

nice job having a shift light and shifting before it even goes on lol, is it still easy to view during the day? very good idea

Have to be quick on it, sometimes I tag the limiter in the lower gears and its set pretty high :slight_smile: Car revs quick