DIY low compression pistons

i lol’d

i lol’d

LOL good for 40psi!

lol thats awesome

waiting for it.

lol cylinder no1 is 6:5:1
no2 is 8:3:2
no3 3:9:5 and
no4 who the fuck know lol

wow now thats a hack job…

taking off carbon buildup ?

thats why some people shouldn’t have access to power tools, such as angle grinders!

talking about the newest and coolest budget build LOL

Wonder how that would run!



Hey Cleatus Pass the Angle Grinder

yea actually i wanna know too, how it runs. haha ^ simpsons is classic

That’s a lot of work invested for someone to go fuck it up. I wonder what else that guy did to the motor before he sold it. If the guy started shaving pistons, something else can’t be up to spec. I have heard of a lot of fucked up things in the past: guys running their vehicle with no oil in it to flush it, the guy that ruined his Mercedes interior splashing paint everywhere, the sand in the intake port and polish, et el. In all of those cases, they just hurt themselves. This guy sold an engine to some fellow and sure as he’ll didn’t mention the custom piston job , as evident by the op. Someone got ripped, and very lucky.

that engine would just vibrate right off the engine mounts it’d be so off balance.

I got this dere motor i wanna cut down a little bit.

fuck I love some Americans. I wish I could meet people like that guy.

I’d buy him a beer.

he thinks he a smart mofo eh?

dont think so :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i bet he would look like deaner from fubar