DIY Sand Blast Cabinet and Paint Booth

So I am getting ready to start working on my 70 blazer more, and i have a lot of parts that i want to sand blast and then paint. The Store bought cabinets are all too small to fit things like fenders and bed cross sills in, and I haven’t had any luck on Craigslist or the paper for a used one of a decent size. So it looks like I will have to possibly build one, and I was wondering if anyone has made their own before, and/or has any tips for it. I do have a 110lbs pressure pot sand blaster right now. And Doing it outside is not an option due to being in the city and having really close neighbors.

I would also like to setup a small paint booth so I can epoxy prime these parts once I get them blasted, so any advice for that would be helpful too.

here is one, might help with ideas

As for the sand blaster… it shouldn’t be too hard to build yourself, there’s a bunch of plans online. You already have the pressure part which is the most important part. Just remember to make a shop-vac attachment to get the dust cleared from the inside of the cabinet.

The Booth… What I’ve done and my family has done is used the 1/2" silver faced rigid insulation for the walls and ceiling; and some heavy-duty sheet poly for the doorway (Overlap two layers so you can “slide” through them. Then we used a box fan in a bottom corner sealed to blow outside; and a hole at the other end of the booth with a few cheapy furnace filters to allow filtered air to be pulled inside (Normally try and get this near the ceiling if at all possible.)

I can help you set this up if what I’m describing doesn’t make sence; I’ve done probably 1/2 a dozen of these, and painted a bunch of cars inside them. Well, I helped paint, my brother who’s a car painter/body guy actually shot the paint.

This, but with plastic sheeting & 1"x1"s for wall framing and no foam boards. Not that there is anything wrong with the aforementioned method. Stick & sheet with fan & filter boxes will be up in a couple hours and cost under $150. Can easily be disassembled & rolled up for later use as well.

Good point. We’ve done the method you described as well; just ended up painting soo much crap for a few years where we did 3 walls and the ceiling in the silver foam; and the 1 wall with plastic.

I’ll probably do the plastic then, just cause I don’t plan on doing this a whole lot. What size plastic should I use?

You can get the plastic at Home Depot in large rolls. Also, an alternative to the wood frame would be PVC pipe. PVC would be easier to assemble/disassemble.

That’s not a bad idea. I am hoping I can build a small 6x6 booth for both sand blasting and painting so I can start getting my fenders and doors cleaned up and primed.

Yea, I’d just do a PVC frame then, glue a few corners together to keep stuff from slipping, but leave others unglued so you can put it back together. Should be able to get everything at HD, including the furnace filters, and box fan.

huh…I REALLY like the PVC frame idea.