i just got back from saratoga… and wow what a concert dave put on… over 3 hours of music and the place was beyond packed…and of course i forgot my camera and have no pics to back it up…

anyone else go?

he SUCKS…that is all


he SUCKS…that is all


I don’t know if I’d go that far. I think he’s definitely very talented and puts on a good show. Whether or not you’re into that or want to bitch about college students and stoners thinking he’s the 2nd coming of Christ is your issue. :slight_smile:

If you like DMB music but hate going to the concerts because of all the idiots you might want to go to an Off The Cuff show.
Off The Cuff is a great band I just saw at a party and they were very good.
Their music sounds a lot like DMB and/or Jack Johnson.

the music doesnt suck at all , its relaxing , i never really listen to that much of his music but after seeing him in concert there is such a big difference from a ipod to him singing live.

rusted root>DMB

I went to one of his concerts years ago. It was the first time I ever left a concert before it was over.


Meh I think he is overrated, I like a couple songs, but the one time I saw him live it was lame. :tdown: to fanbois.




fag shit, whiney fag shit


Meh I think he is overrated, I like a couple songs, but the one time I saw him live it was lame. :tdown: to fanbois.


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