DMCC - 08

Who went

who liked it

Who has constructive criticism to improve for next year?

who thought the announcer was just as big of a douche as whoever did it last year? -

vlad hows your car? was your rocker like that before today?
I just wanted to say great job.

intesne: regardless of the past, overall great job, you guys held up and fixxed the car…

Who has pictures?
any cools ones of direct impact crashes with water splashing?

Track layout wasn’t the best, but it sure beat last year.

& whats that FIT FIT FIT blonde pooters name?

I went

I liked it

I have videos (but they are crappy cause my damn camera won’t focus…)

it was good overall but the ending sucked

it was blah this season
I think a better setup of the track would benefit drivers and fans
plus as vip i didnt get anything special
That fit fit fit blonde girl was FUKIN AMAZIN
anouncer and music was terrible

yea the blonde girl had abs of steel … lots of crashes… i wish it wulda been faster in terms of wait periods… over all it was great…kumho giving out clappers to cheer, toyo giving out balloons to cheer, bridgestone giving out seat pads to use on bleachers… great support in terms of gallery to enjoy the event. just not even seating.

yes the dude taht was mc was annoying as hell… and disses up the drivers harsh…

Just got back after teardown. Event was SICK! Crowds were alot more energetic this year which really helped the atmosphere. I didnt really get a chance to watch much of the drifting but when i did, the MC seemed okay. Apparently its the same guy as last year.

Big ups to the volunteers who didnt dick around of leave. Especially nitescream! Dude i heard from our spotter that you were a monster moving those barriers around!

Intense was sick! Posted up really good qualifying scores and by far the fastest axle swap i have ever seen!

Night drifting was HUGE. It was good but better lighting could have been used for the entry into the huge sweeper.

Security was lacking a bit, lots of public walking around without it or hard passes.

All in all, really good and big improvment from last year

Way too much waiting around…
$20 door fee was a bit too much for all the standing around.

Track was tiny… they should have made it bigger.
Wet T shirt contest would have been cool.

A freestyle session would have been awesome.

Overall not very impressed. It was my first drifting event that I have been to,
Hopefully the next one I go to will be better.

240less, sorry but if this is your first drift event not sure your input is so valuable…

The event was alright, it is getting bigger than before more stands and standing spot. The long time delays were clearly caused by the amount of crashes and broken barriers, which was alot.

The flip that bitch competition would have been nice and I will talk to Kendrick about some things I had in mind. It was nice to see the night drifting though

I was in our pits for almost the entire weekend helping Justin at the line and such. Had to steer the car from the line for introductions because he broke BOTH half shafts…but man I have never seen so many people work so damn well together doing an axle swap in my whole damn life. A HUGE thank you to Chris from S1DC for getting in there and getting dirty! and General Tire for providing us with those axle’s…I think Shawn checked our time…he said like 8-10 minutes or sumthing along those lines…we got the car back out and everything and still had to wait for our match against Mark in the Cefiro…but wow! Thanks alot guys!
As for layout…I competed in the amatuer event, and it was my first real event. I had a good time…actually liked the track somewhat.
As for the rest of the event…we do need better lighting if were gonna do another night event…the first initiation point was a FRIGGIN GLOW STICK duct taped to a cone! COME ON GUYS! We couldn’t see SHIT! And next year we need to put more stands around…and offer something more for the VIP experiance…maybe like having general seating…but then having the best seats for the VIP or sumthing…

I thought the event was decent. however lots to improve on.

First and foremost, if this is a drift event then why is the car show filled with so many non 240s and riced out cars. I realize a car show is a car show but the first thing you see when you walk in is a ton of F&F cars.

Secondly, I was not a fan of the track and I dont think the bumpy ass pavement makes it great for drifting. The side portion where the cars started had that little walkway there which was a good idea but super unsafe. I watched a mustang spin out and if he went the wrong way there would have been some bodies flying.

Im surprised you guys didnt like the announcer, hes does Formula D and is pretty good in my opinion. And yeah the wait times were a bit long but thats hard to fix.

There were these two chicks that were selling DVDs and they were super annoying, constantly asking me to buy their damn DVD.

Finally parking. Why on earth were they charging 10 bucks for parking. Especially when no one was supervising that shit. I was stuck for 15min when some idiot had parked at the entrance.

All in all though I think it was pretty good.

big congrats to the ontario drivers for stepping up their game and really showing that we got some talent out there.

vlad, intense, and pat cyr. they all did a kick ass job imo.

i think all the above improvements mentioned above are good ideas.

the best tandem i’ve ever seen was with haig and fred. i was standing right at the last apex with a few 30 people and it was the best view. it was insaneeeeeeeee.

good job to all the volunteers and another great job for kendrick!

i definitely had a good time.

ps: the night drifting definitely gives a better atmosphere!


no one wants to hear some douche who doesnt know what he is talking about whaling on local drivers…he should NOT be an announcer,

people kept turning off the speakers in front of the stands because he was soo annoying

but i do agree with you about the ginger-dvd-selling-girl.

& to the volunteers.

you guys amazing & had speed.
but when you guys were stacking the tires at the apex, everytime someone hit them, you guys put the tires BACK like 2 feet, so by the end of the night, there was easily a 30 foot difference in where the apex was located.

and there were barely any seat stands this year… i guess thats because they made people pay last year and they barely filled up

i have to say that i liked the mc… i think he did a pretty good job doing it and the music was pretty good too… i would agree with the comment on the fast and furious cars and not drift cars for the car show… music i thought was pretty good and i enjoyed the track layout… it could have been bigger but i thought it was exciting to watch and was a tough course… i think it improved from the year before and i liked that they did not have a break after each event - top 16, top 8, etc… even though there was some wait time, was not as much gaps as last year… /end

There was a dude that came in his lowrider that kept saying drifting is gay and all, so im like thinking why the fu*k did he even bother coming.

ahaha they pissed the shit out of me…

The drifting action was awesome… i would honestly say it was just as entertaining as FD or D1 and even more so in the sense that we actually know some of these guys.

I had no qualms about the track lay out other than you couldnt see the whole thing from ANYWHERE… even from the grand stands you couldnt see how early some of these guys were entering and how fast they were going… you only saw them come around the building… that was silly.

I also beleive that DMCC is under estimating the value of the amatuer competition in this market. If there was not Amatuer competition i am certain that 25-40 SON / S1DC other drift guys would not have made the drive + hotel + gas to come see this event. these 25-40 guys brought another 50 people out who otherwise would not have even heard of the event.

And when you take into account how much dead time there was on the track there is really no reason to suggest that the amatuers had too much time.

Moving this event back to a saturday / sunday format, more efficient track scheduling (the crews were great fixing stuff though) and some actual marketing would have made this even better.

As a vendor i was dissappointment by many things. Peter and i, as well as Dave at another time, were talking about how there were dozens of irrelvant cars there… show car sunfires and cavaliers… i can appreciate the number of people it brings, but why the hell was i in the middle of them? There were dozens of you guys that i didnt get to see because you had no interest in that shit either.

moreover, the DMCC drivers had no reason to go over there which means i never got to see them either unless i had someone watch my booth and then walked to the other side of the venue. had i known this would be the case i would not have shown up.

No one knew about this event. I was telling Dave and MArk from PASmag that there was a bike store in Milton that was having a BBQ that had better marketing (radio) than DMCC.

As a vendor i had to fight to get someones attention to give them money to show up… this is totally silly and exposes a major management weakness… i should have been taken care of months in advance and been given the venue lay out to request a specific location as i have been able to do with other events in the past. Dave Pankew runs a better show, i have no problem saying that. And this is not a hit at Streetconcepts at all, it is directed at DMCC very specifically.

As far as i am aware next year is the final year of the 3 year deal for the event at downsview. I can only imagine the implications that has on the pressure for next year to out do these past two.

given what happened this year as compared to last year and the fact that it actually got worse in many ways gives me zero confidence that next year will make the waves it needs to make.

I was glad that i went though, i had a good time and it was worthwhile… i will show up again next year too but there needs to be some serious improvement considering how drift in this province is teetering so heavily on the brink. IMHO someone from DMCC, Kendrick perhaps? needs to sit down with some key ontario people BEFORE the event gets planned and figure out how to make next year better.

Kudo’s to all the guys that did show up, paid a few bucks, spent money at the show and in so doing, backed up their community. If you want drift to go anywhere you have to show up and participate.

  • I went Fri&Sat

-I thought it had good moments and I have lots of respect for some of those drivers working with old cars and NO budgets (Steady Freddy Girard anyone? That guy is the fuckin man. Mangling his daily drivien Skyline and bending all the shit back into place to put on a show like that. C’mon!)

-Constructive criticism…

-Jarod DeAnda is a great announcer for Formula D. He might have been out of his element and possibly not getting into the vibe of the event…you can get lost for words. He knows his shit and is a super cool guy as well but alas couldn’t hang with us and party it up opting for a wild sushi dinner on Friday with extra wasabi and going gocarting with lots of sausage on Saturday…woo watch out Jarod you sellout. So now he is less awesome.

-The track layout was an improvement but the track surface is a disaster. Potholes, uneven slabs, expansion joint ripped up and thrown all over the place. I don’t think anyone could really master that and I’m sure it bending lots of suspension and blowing coilovers. Any large flat parking lot in TO would have been superior. Grandstands should have been squeezed in the South side to view the whole track.

-I thought DM was enacting the acceleration marker at the start? Nothing will destroy drifting faster if one douche pulls away at the start and the tandem is not close. No close tandem, no future for drifting. I bounced after the first round because the battles were not close at all. When I judged DM in 2006, I actually didn’t score Hideki a match for that and there were fireworks but Santos had closed in a bit with sick angle in a car with 200 less hp.

-Yeah DVD chicks were everywhere, they had a quota, they were doing a job cut them some slack. I talked with them for a bit and they had to sell 300. I supported the DMCC and PCMTL cause buy buying 4…did you? Probably not but that is our scene.

  • Now the car show. Umm WTF? Its sad there are so many nice cars sitting at home, so many great exotics out there too. Toronto should really get their act together. Where was all the heat? Sure I may be to blame too cause my Skyline was in the parking lot but Jesus its not even a fucking show car. Its always dirty, I’ve never cleaned the interior…fuck sakes it still would have caused more hard-ons than some of the scrap there. What year are those things from? But you all are just as guilty, I know you have nice cars that were not in their either.

  • Thanks for the props Bingzor we have mutual respect you know that…I tried to get it sparked here but I have little faith in Toronto shows & fans. Yeah I said it and I feel better.

  • Oh and DMCC needed to do a better job letting people know the event was fri-sat not sunday. I had people contact me today asking if I was going. And the Sun article didn’t help that said it was on today.

-Parking was free for media Peter WTF?

-The fit blonde is Jersey and no I’m not posting her real name.

I ran in the amateur event, it was an experience considering it was my first competition but i do have some beef. First of all i kno we arent the pros and all but we diserve more respect, me and my fellow S1DC boys got our pit moved twice and then eventually had to remove our cars from the compound to be parked with the normal public. WTF is that, i payed 150$ for this weekend and got 1 hour and 30 minutes practise from the allotted 2 hours they promised us. They made us runa lap then we had to wait for up to 15 minutes in our hot ass cars so they could fuck around and move shit. I realise we didnt get the hang of the track as quick as the pros but thast cause there PROS lol. Also another thing like Bing stated there was alot of down time on the track so why didnt they get us amateurs to run a few laps while the pro got ready? If uve ever been to a hockey game there is always a intermission show. So why not let us run, sure were not much to look at now but some of us could be the future of Dmcc. Im mostly pissed off about the expenses needed to go to this event. 150$ is alot for what we got also we had to pay for hotels and so on. Thats fine but give us the practise time we thought we were guann get an maybe let us run open track for a bit, even on friday considering there wasnt even anyone there. Other then that i had a great time Pat Cry fuckin rocked this event and should have been on the podium as well as Forsyth from intense. Dmcc has a great roster of drivers cant wait to join it in a few years. Thats is all…

P.S. NO offence to anyone owning a POS but no riced cars allowed next year, im sick of this dark nights atmosphere of brain shackin bass an riced out losers doin burn outs in the parking lots.

I completely agree.

Open track should have been used to the fullest.

35 Pro drivers, 16 Amateur drivers.

51 drivers in total would have filled ALL the time gap easily.

However, that being said, I can understand it from an organizers view. From what I heard last night, those barriers cost a good penny. I think like $200-400 or something is what I heard. The reason they didn’t want the amateurs running the PRO layout was because they didn’t want them to bust the barriers. This reason is probably why they didn’t want the amateurs running during open time.

I’m actually kind of happy I didn’t participate, since the track time and exposure that the ametuers got was nothing for the $150 they had to pay. I came at 2pm hoping to see my boys do their runs, but when I got there, it was already over.

I agree with Bing that kendrick should get some more suggestions from people who actually participated and also from the crowd for the next event at downsview, because the event is all about the audience. No crowd, no show.

The crowds make the atmosphere and also spread the word about how awesome or shitty the event was.

My 2 cents.

More on the subject of the amatuer competition and why it should be there…

you have what, 20 drivers at least right? and $150 per driver? plus the admision their friends pay to come see them and the money they spend at the track… like i said, no amatuer, at least 100 fewer people who up. that is about $5,000 in revenue from the amatuer alone at this event…

if this were a saturday / sunday event i would have entered the amatuer and i know several others would have too. i didnt enter, samson didnt enter, jon didnt enter, jesse and theo didnt enter and i know a couple others who coulnt enter due to the friday thing… that’s over $1,000 just in entry fees.

With better track scheduling and using the slower lay-out for amatuers so they dont buck up the track you can likely get up to or near to $10,000 in revenue from the amatuers at $150 a head plus the people they bring with them…

There is no way DMCC does not want that money.

If the amatuers want to chime in you should outline exactly how much you spent at the venue (not hotels and gas and shit) and who you brought with you.

The only way DMCC considers not doing the amatuer is if they havent realised how much money it brings in.

you should show them your calcs bing