DMV question??? Please help

Just sold my car over the weekend. I know that you have to surrender the plates back to the DMV. I live out of state and was wondering if I can mail them in or do I have to physically go into a DMV office and turn the plates in?

Also I cant seem to find a direct phone number for the DMV in Buffalo. Anyone??

Auto Registration Bureau
25 Delaware Ave
Buffalo, NY 14202
(716) 858-7450

If you hold a license out of state, you should turn them into your local DMV, and they will give you a receipt.

Thanks… just got off the phone with them.

What did they say(for someone else if they’re ever wondering)?

While we’re on this topic, my friend has some plates that he hasn’t turned in in several weeks, and I figured I’d do him a favor and take them to the DMV tomorrow. Does he have to sign anything or give me a copy of his license for me to turn them in?

nope, you can just turn them in. I’ve had my parents do this when I was out of town before.

cost $1


^^It wouldnt sprise me if you were talking about someone who sold a white BMW lol…

my bf mailed his in the NJ when we moved I remember…

They said I can mail the plates to them and they would mail me back a receipt.

It is also important to remove the registration sticker off the windshield when selling a car because you can still get parking tickets in your name. I was unaware of this.

I hope your friend didnt cancel his insurance before surrendering the plates. I know that there is a penalty for every day you have the plates without insurance. Its like 8 dollars a day. Correct me if I am wrong.


He may have- I told him as soon as I saw the plates sitting there to take them to DMV, they are still in his room, so I figure I’ll drop them at Hamburg’s Tuesday DMV.