what is needed when surrendering license plates at DMV?

i have to turn my old ones in, anyone do this recently and know what is needed? i cant get ahold of them on the phone, and im hoping i dont forget anythin. or is there a form you have to fill out? im hoping its easy and u just hand them in and they give u a receipt for turning them in

You have to pay $1, unless that has increased.

$1, ID, and plates

Basically. You can do it at the “express lane” if the DMV you’re going to has one. Bring a dollar.

wrd thx, gonna get my headphones, ready to wait

use this dmv # if you need to call one:


$1, the plates, and an ID

Anyone besides me find it the ultimate display of NY fucking us that we have to pay them a dollar to take back something we’ve been paying them for year after year?


I have returned plates without even showing id.
It made me think that would be a great prank, turn in someone elses plates.:biglaugh:

Yeah but you still get like a $20 check in the mail after surrendering them. I love the express line, 5mins. and your outta their.

$1 CASH - I tried lumping the dollar into the charges for registering another car and they were not having any of that. And I didn’t have any money on me at all. So I had to make a second trip just to surrender them. What is the reason behind requiring cash, unless they are going to pocket it???

Thats why I always keep one, and tell them I lost it. $1 garage decoration. I’ve owned a lot of cars, so I have tons of plates. Take that NY!:2fingers:

can you say you lost them? and not pay the dollar?

Forget waiting in line go to the WS DMV!

You can only “lose” one. They still make you pay. I don’t know what would happen if you actually lost both of them?

I just returned the one plate, cost $1, no id needed. I said i dont have another plate, even though its in my basement…

bring $1 dollar? when did this happen? I turned my plates in last month and i got a check for $18 bucks… but the only thing i brought with me that day was the plates and my ID

The check they send you is for the remainder of your registration. For example- say your reg is good for 2 years and costs $100. You surrender your plates after a year, you get back half of that, or something along those lines. I remember paying the $1 fee many years ago, it’s nothing new.

i did this at the DMV in NT on wheatfield, only took 5 min in that first info line, didnt have to wait at all