Do I have to give a deposit back?

lol at ineedacar and Rx3 :rofl:

i dont have a law degree.

neither does rick (to my knowledge).

and im assuming ineedacar does not have one either.

despite the fact that out of most here, i have probably studied the UCC and business law to the greatest extent, i still think jordan should seek an actual valid legal opinion from someone who has an opinion with more validity than ours.

Well there you have it. It’s conclusive: Looking for legal advice on an internet message board will get you nothing but speculation.


Were you really expecting anything less?

If I were in your shoes I’d give the kid his $500 back. Wondering whether or not I was getting into legal trouble is one thing I don’t need on my mind. A little +karma in life never hurts either.

I’m with Fry and the others on just giving him his money back. I just wouldn’t want to chance anything happening legally. If you get legal advice and your lawyer says keep it, then do so.

It sucks that he wasted your time and you missed out on potential sales, but I think you said that he didn’t go through with the ebay sale but contacted you about buying the car at the reserve anyway. Why wouldn’t he just keep bidding then? ebay tells buyers when the reserve is met. Something doesn’t add up.

whats so funny, that we’re right?

just because i dont have a degree in law doesnt mean its impossible to know what we’re talking about.

I have dealt with these situations before, a few times, and especially the USPS thing

I don’t have a law degree.

But I have been in a situation concerning a postal money order. I followed it through all the way (postal investigation, sherrif dept knocking on deadbeat’s front door and hauling him off, court case, etc etc. ), and I speak from experience on what will happen. Take it for what it’s worth.

:word: +1 for karma

ain’t that the truth…

I’m working it out with him and he’s going to get a partial refund as per our discussion. I’ll have the e-mail stating he’s agreeing to it and that should be that.

It’s certainly an interesting discussion and I will be contacting my family’s lawyer to see what the legal system has to say about it, just to know for the future.

All in all, I got lucky getting this kid to “buy” it because it was a bad time of year to sell it. Who knows if those other offers would have been legit anyhow. I’m going to list it back up for sale in the spring and see what I can get for it.

Sounds like a good compromise. :tup:

wise man once said “no deposit no return.”

This isn’t a debate on my intelligence Rick.

There would never be a federal agent knocking on my door and arresting me. If push came to shove and it had to go to small claims court or whatever federal/military/supreme court you think they’ll send it to, and they say I have to give it back… I would. I’m not intentionally scamming him… just my interpretation was different than his, and this is why they have the legal system to determine who is right. They don’t just throw people in the clink for a difference of opinion.

Non of the above actually matters at this point since I worked it out with the buyer, but your version makes me sound like some scumbag ebay scammer doing this on a regular basis. (much like, I’m sure, you dealt with in your version)

just out of curiousity id like to hear this story

the deposit was so you would HOLD the car. you got 500 dollars…and you held it… he doesnt want it anymore? okay. but he still gave you 500 dollars too hold it, and hold it you did.

like i said he would have to come here to sue you in small claims.Its NYS law you have to sue in that persons town.So if he is in another state, i highly doubt he would come to sue you in small claims instead just to pickup the car with the rest of the money.What state is he from?Im assuming not to local since it was an ebay transaction.

he’s from South Carolina.

:wave: Hiring a lawyer in the state that wants a guaranteed ruling due to federal law (plus you can sue for lawyer fees, and other fees) only takes a phonecall. With this kind of case, if the proper channels are followed it’s a no-brainer for any lawyer worth their degree and the lawyer wouldn’t even need the plaintiff to show up :wave:

Didnt know that.I think that you guys are assuming to much though.This is a KID obviously since he has no money.I highly doubt he has any idea on how about trying to get his money back.I would assume he would come through with the rest before he sued for his deposit back.