Vlad shouldn’t of banned brett , and shouldn’t of said anything about his girl (who knew that kid wasn’t a virgin? news to me) or his baby (a baby too? damn son, go once go hard i guess) .

BUT bretty shouldnt get so fucking hot headed so quickly, i swear he blows his top too fast and doesn’t warn anyone. I guess some people are just not supposed to be on forums.

Vlad isnt a perfect guy, and you guys shouldn’t hold him up to those expectations, just be happy hes able to do what he does for everyone and overall i think he does a good job.

Him and bretty have a very deep history of tension so its not like vlad woke up and banned him.

bottom line is everyone KNOWS this is a forum, NO ONE is too new to this place to be exempt from that. If you don’t know how to take the shit said over here the right way… then you shouldn’t be here. Point blank. This shouldn’t be locked, the other thread should of not been moved. You got a problem with it then you got a problem with the internet… thats the truth.

You guys are close friends and I know you know more than everyone else here… but you gotta take into account what everyone knows and doesn’t know… so either enlighten them, or leave it alone IMO thats the only way to handle it. You guys would hate to be friends of famous people it seems, because this kinda shit would happen daily.

OH and @ tracey, I know what vlad said was totally out of line but understand these guys have been conflicting for a while, and brett is no innocent darling either… I remember when he called out Mack’s (shady) daughter a year or so ago, something along the lines of "shes gonna wind up a fucked up kid because she doesn’t have married parents… "

Not to be a big fanboi here because I happen to be supporting vlad alot in my post but

Vlad didnt even say ANYthing offensive about brett’s girlfriend, or his daughter. IN FACT I just said more offensive shit about brett in my post right here than he did, and honestly if he wants to get bent over what I said… L O L GO A HEAD. I won’t doubt it because I remember when he was going to punch mack in the face at o tooles because he posted that hairnet picture, something brett put on the world wide web in the first place.

All vlad said was “should we bring up dirty details about your girfriend or kid” Thats not threatening, because there is no dirty details (at least not according to vlad and if brett gets bent maybe there is but we dont give a fuck to know).

We’re talking about a dude who gets into everyones business through their anus, but keeps his shit covered up like cat litter. In reality I don’t think there is one person in the world that cares about his business AT ALL.