Adam has been talking the forum down every chance he got in the recent months calling it a useless pos etc, saying no wonder he no longer logs in or even bothers to do so. Then signs on just to attack me, so I did him a favor of saving grace of not needing to login again for a while.
This was not Bretts first offense, for years he was abusing rep system, personally attacking members and going after me. A few months ago me and mods had a discussion where he was going to be a gonner but decided to give him another chance. He failed.
Some of you may remember he even used to be a mod, but his behavior on and off the forum didn’t support that decision one bit. He’s lucky he wasn’t gone much earlier this year or even the year before. I get nothing but constant complaints about him from other members.
As far as me making this personal? Seriously? You’re going to tell me that the last 4 years of trying to build this place and make it welcome where members can feel safe was all a cover up for me to finally go on my personal vendetta? I’m not even going to keep defending myself as I was the last string trying make this place civil and now people are telling me I’m unfair.
Murdogg and Alpine, keep pushing it, I’m clearly in a light mood, and you guys obviously have no strikes against you on ever breaking the rules. Just cause I don’t enforce them every time, doesn’t mean they don’t count.
Finally for those saying they didnt break any rules or bans were unfair, etc I’ll leave you with this.
If you are invited to come to my house and share the company I have there but you come in to insult and threaten me, you can get your ass you will be kicked out and not welcome back. Good luck finding a business where you can threaten the owner but still be welcome on location.
VOTE 1 for a sticky on whats “new @ Shift 518” called “Got banned today” Its LOCKED, and only updated by mods. Said page contains the quoted offense from the BANana taker, and the MOD reason for the ban.
Not only will it be humorous to browse when it is updated, it will clear up ALL CONFUSION as to who, what and why they were banned. Shows consistency for the moderation as well.
edit, thats as far as I got sofar. need to catch up on the other 10 pages LOL