if you believe what you read on the news i feel really bad for you, the news reports false information all the time, be it to get more readers, because the info they have was wrong, because they are filling their agenda by giving you propaganda, being paid to cover something up, etc. this all happens and all the media has to do when they get called out on it is print a retraction that is 2 sentences long on the last page a month later. do not believe what you our told by the media. they are a business out there to make money first, second they are there to report the news to you…well not even second but you know…this is why you need to get your news from multiple sources, both mainstream and not, both conservative and liberal both american and international…and then maybe you will have a small picture of whats going on, but larger then the miniscule one that most people have.
btw, greg and yetti since i haven’t seen you since this happened, sorry for your guys loss, and anyone else who knew him, no matter what happened no one deserves to die in a situation like that.