What does that have to do with anything?

it was funny just like pretty much ALL of my posts in this thread.

And I thought the thread was out of hand 5 pages ago.

Sorry my communist humor doesn’t match well with your American wit.

I definitely see the state worker in you though.


The amount of sheep in this thread legitimately scares me.

  1. Vlad didn’t say anything bad about Brett’s family. He simply mentioned he had a daughter and a girlfriend. It’s not like he said “I hope they die” or anything legitimately bad. What’s worse is no one even saw the point of Vlad mentioning them. He claimed Brett likes to get in everyone’s business but gets all pissed off if someone mentions anything personal about his life. Guess what, he proved his point. Brett went off an allegedly threatened Vlad. It’s really no big deal, as Vlad didn’t say anything more about Brett’s family than that they exist. That’s all.

  2. It also shows why people get all pissed off if their personal life and relationships are brought up. The “don’t taze me bro” guy was friends with people here and had a personal relationship, yet barely anyone gave two fucks about people bashing him (who is dead and cannot defend himself) and got all pissed when the guy’s friends were in here to back him up. So you have a) people getting pissed about others’ making fun of their dead friend and b) people getting pissed Vlad mentioned two living, healthy family members of a person here. And more people are riled up about b? Really?

EDIT: I also feel Brett shouldn’t have been banned either. The threats were not made via the forum, but only from things said on the forum.

Maybe I’m just too passive about things, but this whole thread has too many people up in arms over nothing.

dead guy bashing doesn’t bother me in the least. dead guy bashing to the dead guys friends face does though. I just feel like it’s uncalled for.

Trace I agree with you 100%, but all im going to add is aparently no one paid attention a year or two ago when Brett start poking at me and my family, telling me what I should do and taking shots about my “illegitimate daughter” and how I should just name her brett… That comment wasnt even bad but it pissed me of as he had no right to say shit about my daughter, vlads comments was a general statement not a threat or a “call out” and was way less then what was said to me publicly on the forum and in PM’s… Edit: just noticed singh remembered it too

All im saying is that comment was read into way to much and completely overreacted to…

This thread is fucking stupid regardless

Oh ya thats what he said I misworded it my bad.

just about an hour to read the 10 pages.

TracEy is Waynes girlfriend.

There, “called you out” too.


lol don’t poke the bear Vlad. :ponder :ahh

Wayne I would appreciate that you don’t call me 7 times but rather come to my house.

Bring the TQ wrench while you’re at it :rofl

lol your first clue is this: I’m not the bear.

Secondly i already re-sold the tq wrench.

Not sure if srs :shifty

Oh man

this aint layaway or kmart *****!!!


***** I paid for the wrench! :ninja

after 45 days went by i put a mechanics lean on it and thus was able to resell legally through NYS law.