Charging storage on a TQ wrench? :lol

Nobody told me about the court date :ahh

srsly. come get it or im selling it again.


that was easy!

Corniest posts ever ITT

My dead grandfather owned a tazer once… :ohnoes


mine shocked himself with a shocker dog collar on purpose to see what it felt like. Does that count?

I was shocked by a dog collar once. That shit hurt like hell. True Story.

I happen to own a shocker dog collar. Any takers?

i make my girl wear a dog collar when i give her the shocker.


I call Bullshit… you bleeding heat lib!

Pics or lie

So we’ve learned;

  1. This site sucks
  2. N!99Az got no respect
  3. Vlad is a fa***t
  4. And pjb still frequently touches small children.


I can’t see Adam actually posting this? :dunno

Yeah I can , he has had it . Why ya think he isn’t on here anymore

idk man im scarce around here these days, been super busy at work and the little girl keeps me busy at home so I cant sit and gaze at this place for hours on end :lol So I don’t know wtf is going on here anymore

Anybody else want some?

If you don’t like me, or don’t like the site, don’t come back.

Seems rather simple.

A move to epic? Really? Should be trash bin.

Why is 94Gt5.0 banned? For how long?