I always think of this site as the way we all talk and bullshit to each other in person. Pretty much the same deal but we’re typing instead of talking.

Exactly, it’s not, never will be, and should not be treated as a national forum

I like it just fine the way it is for the most part (could do without the molester bullshit) and Im sure alot of other people do too.

We could deal with you not being a such an racist ******

**** straight!



child molester

And you wonder why nolan hates you.

now youre just assuming it meant something.

Would you fuck that girl Paul?

If I had proof she was legal Id consider it. Looks a little young.

keep pushing it


I will say one thing about you, you’re posts never let me down :tbu

huge fucking titties for sure

quoted for the first time PJB has noticed tits.

other than that i’m fucking speechless. WHAT THE FUCK.


(when i can)

This is a great forum in my opinion, ive only been here less than a month and id hate to see it fall already, it deff keeps me posted on events localy, i would have never found the drift events at LVD if it was not for this site, i think this site has alot of knowledge to be learned in it, and also i like the chill atmosphere were everyone picks on everyone feel, ball busting just ensews for laughter on most sides, however i hate noticed lil flaws, but really anysite has its flaws!!! Not everyone will care for how a site is ran, imo VLAD runs this site that he made and he has the right to set rules and enforce how this site is ran just like he said, if people dont like it this forum is not for them… there are a few forums myself i stay away from, but this site so far i like alot, and i can see alot of other active members that love this site, cant please everyone. lol thats prolly a bunch of 1;30 nonsense just to say if people dont like how its ran why stay on it? i think? lol

So… you lost me after “this is a great forum in my opinion”. Jussayin dude.