
Dude , gregg is cool man . he just don’t put up with shit , honestly dude ya may wanna backpeddle shit before suttin happens . Gregg is like me temper wise

If he’s gonna be a douche to me I can be one to him too. Two can play that game.

Not the first time Ive seen him be a dick to people on this forum.

I know , butt he isn’t like most on here that talks shit and don’t do it . He will , jellies man I’m only saying this so ya don’t get smacked around dude

cant say I know the guy, cant say I want to.

I aint worried about it though

I’ve met VERY few people off this forum (and knew a few before this place even existed). Greg seemed like an AWESOME guy, who invited me into his house to check out something I was buying from him. How may people can say that they would trust someone from an internet forum to come into a place where they live, let alone his bedroom and look at the piece in question (…ok…this is starting to sound gay)

He seems like a stand up guy, who in all honesty is standing up for a friend of his. We ALL have atleast one dumb ass friend, that no matter what the circumstances, we are going to stick up for. That right there, is the a sign of a TRUe friend, and one who will stick around no mater what, even after you have passed.

That being said. That mother fucker could snap me in half.

Yup paul greg came after you for no reason… Youre just a low life with no ambition in life who is trying to fuck with people for your only enjoyment in life… Go back to molesting little boys with promises of matchbox cars.

Gregs lucky i dont walk into jillians and slap him in the mouth. I was about to the other night then saw someone trying to break into his car.

dont know you but I promise you thats a bad idea

This is like a soap opera. Or WWE, which is really a soap opera for men.

Oh man, I would not fuck with Greg. This whole thing has gone way too far. PJB, stop being a dick. We have met and I know your a ok guy, but this shit is uncalled for.

I’ll slap gregg, him and I would be a fun brawl

he started off with the hardass Im gonna kick everybody’s ass bullshit. See page 1 and 2.

Like I said, he wants to play, Ill play too.

Jellies , not a smart game of cat and mouse your playing

greg is a good guy and a great bouncer

I can see the headlines now.

Reposting as it seems appropriate. Again.

Gay shit itt. Lock it up.

:rofl at these last few pages.

:rofl at Slowgto and steriod use. I can vouch that not to be true. Greg is a good dude everyone gets all fired up on this forum. He just doesn’t put up with bullshit. Lots of friends just defending friends here.

For the record I don’t think I’ve profited at all from the site as far as detailing. I have a small customer base that doesn’t really include but a couple friends from this site. I removed it from my sig btw.