This place is seriously a fucking joke sometimes. How do people not understand and ACCEPT facts??? across the board on this thread.

People respect someone who passes away, and respects their friends and family… EVEN THOUGH they dont respect the decisions the person made. If some of you thick headed people would fucking re-read what started this shit storm you might see it through your clouded views.

Looking like a tough shit actually makes you look like a big pussy! Trying to “stick up for” friends or what ever scapegoat it might be to rise the opportunity to start a physical fight is childish to say the least. Most could care less if someone can talk shit AND murder someone like you say you can. IMO, people who feel the need to throw a punch, pull a weapon or what ever instead of settle it like a respectable person without a glorified dick measuring contest is a straight up pussy, general trash to society. Enjoy your self, dont bring that shit around me.

With that being said, how funny would it be if Paul went full retard after SlowGTO’s first punch and stomped him out somehow! LOL EPIC wouldn’t even be the word for it!

is legendary the word you want?

I wouldn’t have met you if it wasn’t for Shift, and you detailed a vehicle of mine, so HA! PAY UP NI**A!

I see you’re revolt and raise you LOL jk

you’re right tho, peoples is getting crazy, idk why they are all jumping on greg, its not like he went over the top at any point in this thread.

peoples gotta stop pointing fingers at your for making all that shift moniez, good thing you removed it

jeeze, leave me alone :frowning:

I think I knew you way before shift my dude.

I was mean to KK once…I said he was smaller than I thought…I sorry KK:hug

And I cried to sleep for weeks. I am glad we worked out our differences now and have become pals.

There is a lot of fake peeps in here / that is all

I use steroids often. Also use amphetamines.

i need steroids lol, im a tall 130lb kid… lol

Calling bullshit , your rounder than I am lol , what we use is corn syrup dumb ass lol

Greg is definitely a good dude. I’d only slap him if I had no more reasons to live.


WAT? Fake user id’s like spammers or BOTS???


Someone that can take a slap and not return fist-a-cuffs with death to the face is a “good dude”.

So if you had a few beers and dared a buddy to go slap this guy outa nowhere for LOLz, and he returned out in a fit of retard-rage and smashed his face in he would still be a “good dude”…

Because that’s not a whole lot different than “PJB”, some rando behind a keyboard and a screen name online, bumping into this guy at say a car show, and mr tough guy “standing by his word” cracks Paul at the first glimpse.

Both are more or less meaning less and for the most part innocent in their intents. Paul isnt a scumbag at all, infact he is very moral and kind natured… none of the words that got blown out of proportion towards PJB were honestly very offensive at all… Hell if it were my dead friend, I wouldn’t be up in arms at all over any of this… but thats just me i guess.

Thanks guys

Hitting nolan after we all said what we have would be a hate crime

dude your high as fuck off tig fumes. if someone straight up slapped ANYONE i’d expect them to go full retard and pummel. Getting slapped fucking sucks, and taking it means your a bitch. Has nothing to do with being a good dude.

you are actually a good dude. i know this cause we met IRL.


ok, slap was used as an example you brought up. Lets say the dare was to give him a nueggy, and call him a “cute lil bitch”. and the nueggy-er get straight KTFO’d. <- Knocked The Fucked Out’d

I was once called a good dude IRL ANNNNND Online… and I haven’t hit anyone since highschool! That doesnt make sense in WAYNES WORLD. :rofl

Spoken like a true bitch lol