yeah, pjb. show some respect man. you’ve expressed how you feel, just keep it to yourself from now on. if you lost a friend, wouldn’t you be upset? especially when ppl are making light of the situation?? you probably would. idc if your best buddy was a repeat offender with a mean streak or a bank robber, bottom line is that ppl lost somebody that was very close to them. that should be enough for ppl to stop the attacks. ok dude? plz.

Just wait , possibly a high chance paws is gonna lose it soon . Esp the way shit has been

I just don’t get what the “stopping of attacks” is trying to fix.

The situation that’s provided to the public leaves it open to jokes and or ball busting.

This isn’t the only place on interwebs that’s commenting on the situation in a rough manner, does that mean the friends should sign up on every site and tell them to stop talking?

What is censoring it here going to do? Anything at all? People get off the site and I’m sure bring it up among themselves during social situations, I know for one some of my coworkers got wind of the story during break and exchanged some jokes. Trying to control the discussion here is fruitless on the grand scheme of things.

Its called being respectful to others, apparently they don’t teach that in Russia? If its going on other sites then thats not an issue that can be controlled here, but for the people on this site that were good friends with him its disrespectful to come on here and bash the guy. Which in a way can be considered a “personal attack” to the people on here because they may take offense to it.

But since it doesn’t matter to you, I will wait patiently for yourself, PJB or anyone else who is talking down about him and hope one of your good friends passes, because I will do everything I can to be the first one to come on Shift and run my mouth about everything I can that was wrong about that person.

noone is trying to censor SHIT. I’d like to think everyone is free to say whatever they want.

What doesn’t make sense and what has people pissed is the blatant disrespect shown to the few who were close with this dude.

You’re all for allowing the bashing of a dead guy but god forbid someone makes a gay or race joke??? IDONOTHASUNDERSTAND.

Respectful to others? Are you fucking kidding me? I was trying to introduce that concept to this site for the last 4 YEARS, just to be ignored, hang my rules broken, circumvented and myself called names for trying to enforce them.

Fuck you for the quote above.

There, how’s that for being respectful.



Thats breaking your own rules…ban yourself.

You can’t enforce you rules whenever you fucking feel like that, it doesn’t matter if people agree with them or not, you made the fucking rules stand by em and dont be a bitch and back down now.

You posted too quick, post edited.


Bitch and back out now? You have no idea what I have to go through with the rules and enforcement. Mods disobeying the rules and fighting me on them and then trying to enforce them when it’s convenient for them. Members who break them all the time just to be banned and then back lash for the member being banned from other members or mods.

The rule is against personal attacks on members. And even that has been skidded many times over because “hey I was just kidding, the other guy knows I was picking on him… ha ha…” John being the one to move and close the thread is a huge offender on the site himself for doing personal attacks on others on many subjects, including gay bashing, yet all of a sudden when it’s convenient for him or effects him, he wants the thread gone. Really John? Maybe you should take this as a lesson to what it’s like to be on the other side of the issue.

Go on, continue to bitch and moan about unfair this, rule this, you’re doing it wrong, I’m quite used to it.

Thanks Benny for providing supporting evidence to my post above.

Here’s my .02 on the situation.

  1. Nobody knows the true story. Some say he was roided out and blowing lines… yet there was another report that said he may have had a medical condition that caused him to lose it. Nobody knows for sure, and nobody probably will.

  2. Irregardless of how roided out he was or if it was his own fault, it was not the fault of his family and friends. So if you feel like disrespecting the guy fine, but there really is no reason to come on here and disrespect his friends and family by disrespecting him right in front of them. His family and friends had nothing to do with what he did, so why make them feel like shit.

Like I told Mk430R, my grandma died last year, due to natural causes in Russia.

Knock yourself out.

Or do you want to make fun of my cat? Died about 2 years ago due to food poisoning from that national pet food recall scandal.

Is that one a better target for you?

sorry for your loss.

The story about the cat food was hard to swallow. :frowning:

Ok I felt worse about that pun than all of the others I made. Not sure what kind of human that makes me but I’m not proud of myself.

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Can’t we all just GET ALONG!?

And Wayne, the INOTHASUNDERSTAND made me literally :lol.

For the record, I’m not referencing any of my recent posts at the deceased or their friends/family. Strictly to comments made above.

I moved and locked cause others asked me to , I have no ties to the deceased