Do we really need SUV's? Turbos? Big cars?

easy there bub before you start accusing people of being nazis and baby-eaters too.
I’ll let this one slide, but let’s try and not get personal, yes?

VERY FEW people buy a big vehicle to be “macho”.

right, I suppose most of them buy them strictly for their functionality.

The problem with your analogy is that it begs the question if the same applys in reverse… with small vehicles and lack of machoism. I think neither is true for the most part… though I have never seen a rainbow sticker on a F250 and I do on Hondas often.

I was responding to the “real men” comment I quoted in regards to big t&a being equivalent to big cars.
which is a bunch of bullshit, effectively relegating everyone who doesn’t drive a hummer or a truck to being below “real men” whatever the hell that’s supposed to be. I don’t make stabs against people who drive big cars as long as they don’t try to run me off the road, and don’t take kindly to stabs against me for not driving a big-ass car.
point being, anyone who measures how much of a man anyone is by the size of their car, should get their head checked.
it’s a juvenile pissing contest.

wow this thread got serious really quick, good work swiffer LOL now look what u did

let a nigga drive

Oleg, I dont know what “let this slide” means, but whatever. No one said anything about Nazis, thats just another leap in thought. Not unlike the leap to thinking my “real men” comment had ANYTHING to do with vehicle size. Re-read post from another point of view I suppose… it was referring to right of choice and titts and asses… I assume you like right of choice and tits and asses, but will be careful not to judge you if you don’t. It wasn’t meant as an attack, as much as it was to provoke further discussion. Discussion without opinions and some angst are rather boring and often lead to nothing.

We clearly think differently… and I wasn’t saying anything negative about small cars in any way…I think its the “smarter” choice for all when it comes to costs and pollution control.

Your stance doesn’t come off as an opine that is one of acceptance, yet one of gross generalization and further, comes off, at least to me, as almost a direction.

That said, my guess is an actual discussion would boil down to one thing … Big truck are silly to drive if you are driving them cause one thinks its macho… big vehicles polute more… and cost more to maintain… and should never be purchased do to some silly commercial … where we may disagree is that if someone falls victim to the commercial or if a truck makes one feel “macho” or better and its what they want…I say great, go for it…where you may be more rational (or irrational) and judge said person.

Frankly, I dont give a crap what someone drives… I give a crap if they are loyal and honest…and beyond that I look for entertainment value. Unfortunately, you seem to be all those so far.

yes? you rang.


representin’ deutschland

like I said earlier, this got nothing to do with choice vs socialist attitude. I like machinery as much as the next guy, big cars included.
what I don’t like is people who think they’re better than others for liking/driving said machinery.
which is the attitude that I saw coming from some people in this thread, or at least that was my impression.
suppose I misunderstood the big cars>perfect t&a>real men chain, my bad.

i’m lookin at this so i can get mulch and drive garbage to the dump and to tow my trailer… see, i need a big cah

I guess I missed where someone came off that way. I, certainly in no way feel that way, in fact, I feel the opposite…Hell, I’m persecuted for it… both on the road, at gas stations, at church and even here.

youre still ok in my book. even though youre a fuel hogging NAZI :confused

Drank alot more gas tonight with the TA back out!

well i dunno if anyone has said this but turbo’s in, lets say a 4cyl help make it have the power of a 6cyl without the deletion of MPG hence my car and other’s like it
4cyl 2.3l turbo

makes ave(city/hwy) ~27MPG nothing less

My 1.8T gets the same gas mileage as my VR6.

Fail for me.

i get 34-36mpg on the highway…