Do you Drink..

generally speaking, i think there are a lot better ways to have fun than to go out and get drunk. like i said, ive gotten quite drunk twice (once at my cousins wedding, and once when i first started college and went to a ‘real’ college party), and have never felt worse in my whole life than the mornings after. RARELY do i go more than 1 or 2 mixed drinks or 3 or 4 beers (im a pretty big guy so thats usually good enough to get a slight buzz going). i honestly cant believe that some people will go out and blow a coupple hundred bucks every weekend to get trashed. if i had that kind of money laying around, my truck would a hell of a lot faster right now. and i also honestly dont even really like the feeling when you’re drunk…i was never quite sure what enjoyment people get out of that. and whats the deal with people making a HUGE deal out of going to Canada on thier 19th bday? i kno u can drink at 19 up there, but besides that, whats so special about it? i’ve been 19 for almost a year now, and have yet to go to Canada.