Do you have a blackberry? Clicky

I’m going to need a blackberry.

It’s going to be on Verizon.

Do you like the 7130 verizon or the 8703?

I’ve asked my coworkers, and they say after a little while, you can actualy type FASTER on the 7130 vs the 8703.

Which would you rather? Full qwerty of 8703? or “sleekness” of 7130?


I would too, if my e-mail came instantly.


but personally I like full qwerty more than shared keys

you can have it run 15 min intervals, not sure if you need to have it check more than that, but 15 min works fine for me

Ummm wireless sync I get my emails in seconds :gotme:

Unfortunately, instant e-mail is needed at my company, I waited too long on call backs one too many times…

Um, you have to either force it, or schedule it to check every xxx seconds.

^ I wish I knew that before I got the Q

Not that it matters that much, I usually dont have emails that cant wait 15 minutes

not true

ive got Tmobile… so i have the 8700… i hear the pearl is nice also

push sync, when teh wireless sync server gets new email, it sends a “invisible text message” to your phone and the phone logs on to retrieve it…

its instentanious

Out of the office, but not out of touch with Wireless Sync

Wireless Sync from Verizon Wireless now features always on, “push” email technology so you can receive emails and real time calendar updates automatically.

Stay connected while you’re out of the office by sending and receiving emails
Sync your POP3 and IMAP email accounts with your wireless device
Receive automatic updates of your calendar and contact information

Then your battery dies, I can’t use that, because it requires it to “log on, check for e-mail, download email, blah blah blah”

I get 200 + emails a day. It’s still not the fastest btw, verizons gateway is still lagged.

Listen, I want to keep the 6700 but as of right now, the blackberry is far superior for what I need.

I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m in the same boat as you, around 100-200 emails a day, leave it always on, batt last about 1 day, extended bat lasts 2 days

and as for fast, with wireless sync on my exchange server, I usually get them on my phone faster than my machine… I have a hard time believing it could get much faster, batt life probably though

there is no way it should be set for 15 mins

They’re coming out with this great new thing that’s sure to replace emails. The benefits are instantaneous transmission and response, and it’s all voice activated so no time lost to typing. I think they’re going to call it “phone calling.”

It just seems that if you need to deal with 200+ emails a day instantly, a handheld isn’t up to the task. How about a laptop with a cell card?

But maybe I’m not a big enough tech geek. :gotme:

I dunno, I did what you are doing, and my battery lasted about 6 hours.

lol, yeah, you’re not a big enough tech geek.

mobile email for the win, how else are you suppose to to respond to your boss while taking a shit in a gas station off of I95