All the chicks you’ve banged? I used to, but I was trying to list them off for some reason, and I couldn’t remember all of them. As hard as I try, there’s one not accounted for, and I can’t get the order right for the life of me. I remember the first 3 and last 3 perfectly, but all the ones in the middle are a jumble. That’s not saying that I’ve slept with that many, I just have a crap memory.
i did this once when i was in jail for a bit, had nothing to do and the more i sat and thought about it the more i remembered and relized i have been with a lot of girls with the same names lol, like 3 stephs, 2 myriams, 2 ashleys ect. so i did a tally and i realize there are a few more since i got out back in the day, but my total number of chicks i have been with is around 35. well in and around. and no word of a lie my 240sx passion only gets them going more. i have got my fuzzy nuts wet a more then a few times in my 240. and yes i remember most of the times. the good times…
nooo im just busting antonio’s balls…i remember me and schawren use to come to commerce to find Antonio busy playing warcraft or some nerdy shit lool but im still joking ant is great