SEX...Who has done it in their 240?

The other day i took my 240’s virginity and had sex in it! Who’s done it? who loves it? Funny stories? Stupid thread?

I’ve had sex in every variant of s13.

Convertible is the best. Hands down. LOTs of headroom. Coupe is definitely the worst.

I’ve gotten BJ’s in the 240, but sex no. Why do it in the car when you can do it inside a house?

lol wat a funny thread

whu du fuuuuhhh?

coupe/hatch is the same, passenger seat… slammin on top…but yes, fuck the car, do it in the house…
one time i was in a school parking lot in oakville and a cop rolled up right next to my car w/the windows all fogged up and knew what was going
on and left us alone…slammin in an s13 is nothing special… unless its right after a track day and you can’t wait too get to ur house…

Had sex in my 240 in a small empty parking lot right in front of a convenience store on Christmas day. We were there for like an hour too and no one saw us, although there were a bunch of times where we were sketched out from people going by the parking lot and one or two people entering it. It was also right by the main road so there were always cars going by and their headlights could be seen, and a lot of the time it seemed like someone was coming into the lot.

It was pretty funny cause if it wasn’t Christmas (everything was closed), I’m sure we wouldn’t have been able to do it without anyone noticing. Pretty risky lol, but it was great. By the time we were finished the windows were fogged up like crazy and there was so much condensation on the inside of the windows. Ever since then the inside of my windshield (and other windows) keeps freezing and I can’t see well at all until defrost has been on for at least like 10 minutes (normally you may just need to warm up the outside of the glass but for me ice is on the inside). I should wipe it down after defrosting it and turning it into water but it only really gets that bad when it’s really cold.

Good times.

Why not do it in a house you say? because you ALWAYS do it in a house, thats the most generic way of sex, inside a house. Thats boring, you gotta spice things up every now and then, keep it interesting, refreshing, ya dig? Sex in the hatch was hot as fuck. Back seat styles too. Cozy.

P.s., if the cop knew you were slamming in your car, wouldnt he want to bother you and give you a ticket or something? LOL, seems un-cop-like.

Yeah, obviously it’s nice to do it in a house but inside a car is definitely a great and exciting place for it. Good for memories as well. And keep in mind sometimes you might not have a house available for it or be within a decent range. Your 240 may be your only option.

Shit breaks when I do…

Weather it be during, or a week later…something always fucking breaks. I’ve vowed to never do it in my car again. Now on the hatch, well that’s another story :wink:

never had sex in one, but got a while-driving BJ in my first 240, the day i bought it, on the way home from picking it up, with NO PLATES or insurance on the car (taking back-roads most of the way).

we pulled up to a red light. there was an old woman in a camry (i’ll never forget) waiting to turn left. she looked over. and my girlfriend picked the best goddamn time in the world to sit up and wipe off her lips without even noticing the old woman in the car next to us, staring at us with a horrified look on her face.

i shit you not.

about 10 minutes later the clutch slave blew out trying to go up a hill, still 20 minutes from my house. had to get a tow the rest of the way.

oh and this was on my birthday.

what a day…

I’d rather not have sex then have sex in a 240, just pull into any best western and have 20000 times the fun.

yes, not that hard. Bitches love slamming in the back.

everything but my s13 and dad’s truck.

try banging in a regular cab 5-speed s-10. now that is fucked up. makes for some crazy positions.

im taking out my passenger seat just for this reason actually…

^ ^ ^ LOL so beneficial

just wondering, has anyone had sex while driving?

if not, you should try it :wink:

^ why take out the passenger seat when you can just get some back seat action

don’t do it, HAH. wrote off my 90 4-door civic. crazy country roads, crazy sex, new driver = booooom.

still drove it to my shop with the back half of the car fuckin gone lol, wish i had pictures