Only when I am in the mood.
speak for yourself.
I was’t hit by my teacher that often, so i spell like chit, j/k i type fast and just hit the submit button. i get my point across
I do the same thing when I type, but you will soon learn that people on here are the most anal retentive grammer checkers on the plannet. Doesn’t matter what you say, if your spelling is alittle off, you are dooooomed. I was just hit by my dad when was younger…that sorta straightened me out. That is 'till I had to go to a school for “behaviorly challenged” kids…aka the ones that got in fight and cut people with box cutter who looked at em the wrong way. I straightened up real fast. Going to Akron high school where you don’t have to worry about your own personal safty every day > Niagara Academy. I don’t know how many box cutters and butterfly knives I’ve had pulled on me there.
nope, the middle ages are over.
To be honest, not to be a dick or anything. But there is a difference with typos. Noone really cares about typos. It is when you are using words that are COMPLETELY wrong and obviously not typos. Like “aloud” instead of “allowed”, is when you will be ridiculed.
You lose loads of credibility when you have super poor grammar. And people find it difficult to take you seriously.
Oh I realize this. And you have to admit I have gotten alot better lol. But there have been many times when a simple typo on my part turns into 3 pages of JEG is retarded because he didint put the apostrophe in you’re.
Those cases are stupid… i will admit. And people who are that anal about grammar on a forum are small people.
But I do believe also that SOME thought effort should be put into making a post. Simple things like using the correct form of a word should be done online, and it will become 2nd nature and will help out overall and translate to everyday things.
Anyways… back on topic…
Capital Punishment…
It would have to be a ABSOLUTELY GUILTY, with no POSSIBILITY of it being someone else, with diamond solid evidence (read, more solid than concrete), and it would have to be a ridiculously horrid crime.
In those cases, then go ahead, flip the switch.
MY take on it… anyone that could receive life in prison without parole, and their case has no holes or any kind of doubt should get the chair, or what ever the prefered method is these days… public stoning?
eye for an eye makes the world blind.
i don’t support this. killing isn’t good in almost any situation.
wow…dude, pick up your speak n’ spell sometime.
I do not know how it is in prison but I imagine that a criminal sentenced to life in prison may just be worse off than death for them
Yes and no, there is a sort of pecking in prison. Depending on who you are and the crime you are there for. Its not as bad as you would think. If you are low man on the totem pole, you will probably die of anal aids before you get out. If you are the high man, or on his crew, you are like the mob.
im for it, and against it. it all depends on the crime, but one thing i do think should happen is, they should 100%, without a doubt know that the person getting exicuted is guilty of his crime.
that’s what they do now…:fyi:
I am very, very against it. Too tired to type why right now.
I have a LONG list of crimes for which the death penalty should be applicable, depending on the circumstances. Without boring people with the list the principle is that if you intentionally cause serious harm to someone else with no mitigating circumstance, you should be toast(ed). Simple example - a drunken argument ends in death. Not appropriate for the death penalty. A store clerk is shot in a robbery and dies. The scum perpetrator should die, for sure. Date rape - no. Abduct someone and rape them - yes. And so on.
As far as proof, I agree the standard should be higher for the death penalty. Reliable physical evidence and/or a reliable eye witness with no credible contrary evidence.