Do you support capital punishment?

Though I do consider myself to be fairly liberal, I do believe in the death penalty.

Thinking at this from a tainted stand point, if we killed more inmates for lesser crimes then maybe we would have less overcrowding in jails

I am quite surprised at the numbers.
Over 80%.(?)

sometimes i say no, other times i say the death penalty isnt enough. painless injection…wtf is that??? Do you rather want someone like osama to have painless death by injection or to get beaten to near death in jail?..

It all depends on the situation, evidence etc…

And not so many crimes would be commited.For instance - If I get caught doing 120 in the vette,chances are I’ll get a laywer, pay a NICE fine, and be done w/ it right?What if the law was 50+ mph over the speed limit,unless bleeding to death or some other acceptable reason,You lose your car.Would you chance it? I know I wouldn’t.
Many other examples could be substituted here.

Most of the people who post here are white males. Although a majority of both men and women support the death penalty, men are much more likely to do so than are women. More than 7 in 10 men (74%) support the death penalty, compared with 62% of women.

Racial Differences on Death Penalty Support

There are substantial differences between whites and blacks in their support for capital punishment. The data show that 71% of whites support the death penalty, compared with only 44% of blacks. This stark difference may be the result of the ongoing debate about the overrepresentation of blacks on death rows across the country. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that there were 3,374 prisoners on death row in 2003, of which 1,418 were black and 1,878 were white. Blacks represent 42% of the inmates on death row, but only 12% of the nation’s population.

another example is drinking and driving, I know in certain European countries if you are caught drinking and driving then you can lose you license for the rest of your life not just get it reduced to a dui then go out and get another dwi

I can’t make up my mind. The ten commandments say “Thou shalt not kill.” But then in the book of Exodus it says “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot…” but then in the new testament (Matthew) it references Exodus and says nevermind that, turn the other cheek. Do I add up all the + and - in the bible and go by the total? Do the ten commandments win by default? Judge not lest ye be judged, so should we not have a court system? :gotme:

Then again if, for example, somone hurt my family, fiance, or dog, I’d throw the switch myself. :gotme:

I dunno, as much as I won’t argue if bucky gets the needle, I’m gonna have to say no. “Thou shalt not kill” doesn’t really leave a lot of room for debate.

The punishment must fit the crime. “Eye for an Eye”

Im not only for it biblicaly but also from a finacial point of view. Initially CP is more expensive but it will pay for itself in the long run. not only will it be gettting the scum off the planet but it will make room for more scum to be put away.

so if you’re killing off this “scum” and then replacing them with more “scum” wouldn’t an equilibrium of “scum” be achieved? therefore keeping the amount of $$$ payed to keep this “scum” in line the same as it is now?

the cost of keeping inmates would go down if this country didn’t have such a huge stick up it’s ass about drugs. why would you lock up people for doing drugs? it’s not going to change them. i personally don’t drink, do drugs, smoke, etc… that decision came from within. if these people want to do drugs, then so be it, they can do that. i mean unless they’re getting dusted and trying to eat dogs, they shouldn’t be locked up. that alone would ease the taxpayers bill alone.

i still think CP is totally unecessary, life in prison is much worse than a painless death. and like i said before, killing killers dosen’t end the cycle. the killing will continue no matter what. we might as well try to stop it at some point.

:word: The scum flow through this plane of existence would reach steady-state.

That’s why there’s the saying “What would Jesus do?” not “What does the Bible say?”

:word: There’s too much politics in the bible. Which is why I ultimately give it the :tdown: because that’s the morality that Jesus taught.

I don’t know…how closely do Christians follow The Old Testament?