Do you think modding Honda Civics and Acura Integras is cool?

brick top


For every riced out honda there is some fggt in a 3rd gen doing burnouts in the burbs swerving at little kids diving out of the way, and a green e36 with a wing trying to race everyone, and a homosexual driving an elise with LIV2PRTY as his license plate

so uhh…
What’s the point of this :gotme:
There is atleast 1 faggot in every genre, so having a certain car doesnt make you cool.
Maybe some people would rather have a 400k house, and a semi decent car, but you dont see them showing off their house, or bragging to everyone on the internet.


people need to get the fuck off their internet soap box


look harder. did you see the ‘garage’ thread that had a forum of people showing off their garages? there is a forum for everything

I don’t care that people like things that suck, though. I’m not trying to tell anyone that they shouldn’t like sucky things, just explaining that they things they like suck, in case they didn’t know!

Do people who suck, know that they suck?


that was a good thread too.

im parcial to any of this because honda’s and most Fwd cars do nothing for me… expect i love vw’s and i wanted to buy an a3 last spring… Granted i wouldn’t have done a lot of motor work to it, but i still would have done a bit…

basically its just what you like. but im leaning more towards Rwd or Awd these days

220 posts? I haven’t read the thread, but let me guess: The entire thread has revolved around 1/4 mile time per dollar ratio and quality of asshatery?

Anyhow, for straight line stuff there’s just something funny looking about slicks on the front. But a properly setup Mazda or Mini can handle really well so that’s cool.

Hondas suck!

I like that a lot.

It just came to me that 0 out of my 4 cars are FWD.

I have 3 RWD and 1 RWD / AWD lol.

It always amazes me the amt of money people put into honda’s to mod. in the end its not worth that much. I bet i have less into my 68 than any boosted Honda and i can still sell it for a nice profit

hondas these days seem to be worth their wieght in gold. people pay out the ass for an 88 crx or a clean eg. its all in the eye o the beholder.

personally i like fwd, and i like how cheap it is to mod hondas. they can be made into decent all around performance machines for little.

to the people with cavis/saturn etc, those things suck, the aftermarket blows. honda is a tried and true 4 cylinder platform. the others just got upset and began trying to make their cars like the hondas.

B series motors can handle a good amount of boost, combine that with the lsd close ratio transmissions and a decent suspension setup and you have a decent performer that will be reliable. i don’t get all the hate on fwd

if it’s a “show off your garage” thread then thats fine

im guessing it wasnt a “your garage fucking sucks, mines way fucking better and you’re a sucky fggt” thread

if i remember correctly mike with his saturn coupe went 12’s in 02’ that was pretty damn fast 7 years ago! any car can be fast and done up right, and no not everybody is trying to be like a honda that is FWD… especially us lnf boosted cobalt guys that make close to 400 wtq with a dp and a tune… please show me ANY honda that does that with $500 in mods??? Oh yea AND handles good enough to hang with some exotics!

i wonder how big of a bowl of bullshit you have to eat every morning to think about this. you seem like a smart kinda guy… i’m pretty sure if someone had a car that sucked… and they KNEW it sucked… i’d be willing to bet they wouldnt mod it. then again this falls under personal preference and of course that nice word that everybody uses so much OPINION. one mans junk, another mans treasure. newman i bet you like things that suck too… take for instance gay porn?.
i doubt anybody cares that you have so much “concern” for letting people know that they like things that suck. so instead of you wasting your time with this i’m sure there is an episode of jersey shore that your missing:walter:

best part of opinions is sometimes you should keep them to yourself…I own a honda and I mod it, because I like it. There really isn’t a need to be that big of a dick cgold607, but put your flame suit on…

The only issue I have with FWD is that the weight transfer from launch and/or just drivng spiritedly is actually decreasing traction to the drive wheels. In my opinion, FWD is not a race platform. AWD and RWD is where it’s at.