Do you use a HNR?

For those of you that do a significant amount of track driving, do you use a head and neck restraint? If so, which one and what car/seat/harness setup do you have? Have you tried others? Likes/dislikes?

I’m really leaning towards getting a DefNder because it appears to address some of the “concerns” associated with HANS (may or may not be founded) and it $150 cheaper. Price should not be an issue, but if two things perform well, why not buy the lower cost option?

may help

never cheep out IMO

Already a member there, but thank you.

I agree about buying cheap if you don’t care about safety…not my intention. If you look at crash sled data from the DefNder and the HANS, I’m not sure I see a $150 difference in performance as far as pure numbers.

when i was looking i went into it looking for somethign $600 and bought the $549

I used your typical u shaped neck brace when I raced karts, and even when I upgraded to midgets. I haven’t used anything since I sold the race car but when I do get back into it I would definitely upgrade to something like a HANS. My only concern with them is how it would affect getting out of the car in a hurry, there isn’t a lot of room to work with in a sprint/midget car being as tall as I am. Still to me the pluses out weight the minuses.

Which did you buy and what application is it used in?


Which HNR did you buy?

Dave has a real nice one for his 350, maybe he will chime in?

dmoffitt has a hans…
(edit, sniped)

Are there any restrictions on which one you can buy - ie has to meet a certain requirement?


AND…I’d like to get one that shows good sled data and allows for descent movement in car for visibility. Egress from the vehicle in a hurry is also a consideration. So many variables I can’t get from looking at a picture or just seeing data.

Your choices are pretty limited, but I hear good things about the HybridX, however the price is enough to make me consider other options.

Another option is this:
They rent-to-own R3s. It gives you a chance to test drive it without buying it. I will probably end up doing this myself.

Yes, I have a HANS brand head-and-neck support. There are a lot out there, I got a good deal on mine from the CDOC guy while at the Glen for HSR (spectating) and didn’t look back… Honestly I think its more about having one than which - but I’d read up on Rennlist or in the NASA forums etc and see what racers are using vs reading marketing literature on a company’s site…

I’ve been getting most of my info from Trackpedia and SpecE30 forums. I don’t trust any vendor or manufacturer to provide any unbiased info.

I absolutely agree that any approved HNR is better than none.

Here is the one I went with…DefNder G70. The identity of those involved has been concealed to protect the innocent…