Do you want the fast & the furious!?!? roflcopter

This video had me laughing my ass off. Yes, it is REAL.

My sincere apologies to Fobwall if he has already seen it. :slight_smile:

LOL, is he stupid or just mildly retarded?

i vote on him being mildly retarded

Brett Broski’s brother??

wow tongue tied spokes person…

where’s elmer fudd

lol if ur not cool you dont probably have a girlfriend! ahahaha

Glad you guys found that entertaining. Here’s more:

more weight means more warmer you are in the winter… wtf lol

I just watched the video again for no good reason. That sprint he does at the end, looking sideways, and points to the camera yelling “METRO FORD!”


wow… i cant even comment. bu yeah, he’s fuckin’ retarded…

I wonder why Metro Ford has such good deals…they have this abomination throwing their sales pitches.:confused:

ahahahahah nice find ahmad!

…I just died a little in side.

Watch another video Pete, it might bring you back to life. :smiley:

“You know why it has a wing?!? Cause it’s FAST. And you need it to keep you down!”

What in the fuck…HA

I just took this screenshot from his F150 video. LOL This dude is awesome.

“listen this truck is hawt. hold on a minute, hold. girl checkin me out I gotta way”

lmao nice find man. he looks like a creeper in that pic haha

“this car is so fast, the wing needs to keep you on the ground-a”

"if your not cool, you dont probably have a girlfriend

its hold a minute a girls checkin me out i gotta

who teached this guy how to spoke?