does anyone have first hand experience importing cars

The one I did, which just needed the EPA compliance letter, never did get the speedometer changed over from KPH to MPH. No one ever said anything either, US customs just looked for the DOT sticker, my letter in place of the EPA sticker, collected my sales tax (which they messed up and under charged me lol) and gave me the paperwork I needed for the DMV. It still had the KPH as primary numbers gauge when I traded it in at Basil Ford many years later.

mmmm rs2

I was reading something a few years ago that suggested the rs2 could be removed from the list fairly easily if someone wanted to litigate it… but that would likely cost far more than the car would be worth. It suggested it was on the blocked list as the result of several poorly executed applications to get it approved under show and display.

EDIT: not that I’m suggesting you do that… just saying.

I’ll leave this right here…

Want so bad

Is this happening or not?