Does anyone here run?

Thats not the point dipshit, this thread isn’t about juicing up. And you come in talking about using steroids is the way to go. You talk like nobody knew steroids can make you do something better.

i think what bennys getting at dude is that your stating the obvious… Instead of giving tips that have cardio enhancing capabilities your pretty much telling him if you dont feed your fish it will die… If you dont put gas in your car it wont run… if u hop in a pool, you will get wet rather then sayyy, my opinion on high intensity interval training which will help increase stamina, loose bodyfat while minimizing muscle loss.

need more endurance for running so i take roids


pitman you drunk

Simple ill just use the rails of the treadmill and beat the other person senseless. Then steal their blood dopes and steroids. Then train on a treadmill with roids and dopey all month.

My answer was almost as irrelevant as bringing up roids and blood doping in a thread asking who here jogs. Lol.

God damn it pitman.

Why run? Just drive there. It’s faster.

You can eat and smoke while driving too. Such a more cozy option. If you’re using a treadmill though you might wanna invest in a second one so you can have one for each side of the car.

You are a fucking moron

The HIIT method is really good…I would do 60 second rest periods though instead of 45 seconds since he is just starting out

How do you determine max heart rate? Probably a dumb question lol.

Bump. Actually did a real 5k today. Haven’t trained or anything since I started this thread but my girlfriend wanted me to do it with her. It wasn’t timed but i asked someone before and after and i finished in about 35 minutes. I did a lot of walking and standing still waiting for my girlfriend… So i think I could do it in less than a half hour on my own. For the last half mile I just left her lol. I’m pretty happy with that time though

good shit. i’m finally doing my second 5k in two weeks since my school has one as part of alumni weekend, don’t know if i’m gonna set out a goal but i’m going for better then the one i did a year ago.

HOLY FUCK Pitman. I disliked you before; now I really just want to punch you square in the mouth. You’re a complete fucking moron. Have you EVER juiced? You have no idea what you’re talking about.

OP, I just ran 1.5 miles on Friday morning. I am not a runner, actually I hate it. By “runners standards” I am very slow. My usual pace is about a 9min mile. I did the 1.5 miles on friday in 12:10. I enjoy lifting much more. I have destroyed my shoulders, but at my peak in strength and size I could barely run a 12 minute mile. I’ve since found a happy medium between both. Running gets easier and easier once you find your groove. Controlled breathing and getting into the don’t stop mindset is key. When I started to run I was going about 1/4 mile at a fast jog and then I’d walk a little then run a little then walk a little etc. Then I started to cut the walking, I realized the walking doesn’t really do shit for you. I was walking because I wanted to, not because I had to. If you can find your wind and keep moving, the distances get longer, the speed gets better, and the times start to get lower. Running gets easier after awhile. Also treadmill is way easier than outside. This is all in my opinon, not based off of any hard data like Pitman’s genius input. I am now down to just about 37 minutes for a 5k where as when I started in February my 5k’s were closer to 52 minutes. I had trouble pushing myself, because when I started, I was simply running to lean out and get the cardio in, not for any other goal. You have to be driven and motivated and set goals. Question is, do you REALLY want to get faster? Are you doing this for a performance test or sport or something of the sort? Or are you simply doing it to get into shape? If its just to get in shape, what does the distance and pace matter? Keep your heart rate in its peak cardio range, get better wind, and burn some fat. Find a comfortable pace and run it and better your health.

You won’t find me running unless I’m being chased. Not my idea of fun


I was running 9:15 1.5 miles in the Navy which is fucking moving. I’ve never even seen this thread a few months ago but of course pitman with the gearing up comments hahahahaha. I also prefer lifting I fucking hate cardio. Pitman please post a pic of yourself. You talk a decent amount about “juicing” and I want to see what you look like. Steriods shouldnt even be used without seeing how far your body can go being natty first.

+1000000 Please someone post a pic of that clown. I want to know what he looks like and how old he is, the steroid comments are just so fucking dumb.

9:15 1.5mile is cruising dude. I wish it came that easy to me, I still don’t have much speed but I’ve gotten much better at continuing on without stopping to walk for a little and finding my wind and what not. So now, hopefully, speed will come next.

I haven’t ran in a solid year and a half. I would be happy if I ran a 12 min 1.5 right now haha. With a little training and if I quit smoking I could get back to 9:30ish no doubt. I just don’t see the point in it anymore I much rather stay in the gym and hit chest for an hour than run lol

you guys are making me want to go do a quick 1.5 mile to see what i could do it in. last time i did a mile (5 or 6 months ago now) i was in the low 6 minutes. i usually run 4 miles and my best at that is 30:45.

Agreed. I was happy with my 12:10 mile and half on friday though. Like i said, for me, it was an accomplishment