Does anyone here run?

I’m slow as shit and always have been but for the first time tonight I ran + walked a 5k. I felt pretty good about it. I’m not sure what the time was because I thought a 5k was 3.5 miles and didn’t know until later that it is 3.1. At 3.5 miles I was at 52 minutes and 37 seconds.

It was only my second time doing any sort of cardio in probably three years so I don’t really feel bad about that. I do think that around 2.5 miles I slowed down to take a bit of a break but if I had known it was 3.1 and not 3.5 I would have kept going. I think I have a sub 40 minute time in me for next time so that’s my next goal. I’m not out to impress anyone really, just wondering if anyone else runs and keeps track of their times/progress.

This was all on a treadmill with an incline of 3-5 depending on how winded I was feeling. Mostly around 4.

Yah your def slow as shit… for a 5k right now, I would target like 10 min miles.

Seems a bit slow to me, but you have to start somewhere, I haven’t ran since last year, but I know I was running about 26-27 min for 3 miles, which was a huge drop from my 21 min 3 mile runs when I was on active duty.

Are you breathing erratically? A huge part of running is getting your breathing under control. Practice focusing on breathing in through your nose and out your mouth. And taking deeper breaths not short ones.

Do you even run bro?


Fuck you… You don’t run

Yea, usually 2-3 miles. Sitting at a 11:30 1.5 mile currently.

Your’e not “slow”, most likely in better shape than 80% of this forum. Keep up the hard work!!!

Currently at a 9:08 for 1 1/2mile…:dunno

Girlfriend just got a treadmill. Ill have to give it a whirl. I feel like I’d have more fun running with the dog in the pine bush once it gets nice enough.

I know I’m slow. I have asthma and I haven’t run in a long time like I said. I am working on my breathing, I already know it is a big problem I have. All gonna take time.

you def are slow as shit… But i compliment you to the fact that you can actually complete 3 miles lol.

I think I can run at 80-90% of maximum heart rate for like… 3 minutes tops before i get winded and have to slow down lolol.

I want to get outside to run it. I think I’d do a lot better

^Fresh air is key. Plus its so borring to run in one spot. hate it.

just keep doing it. also don’t try to be as fast as possible, its better to run multiple days then just go all out one day. you might be slow, but its faster then sitting on a couch doing nothing. myself personally i run a 5k 3-4 times a week usually and always am between 27-29 minutes for it. the best 5k i did was 23:49 at the turkey trot in the fall and the longest i ran was 6 miles and that took me like ~59 minutes i believe. as you can see i try to keep a 9 minute/mile pace. i’ve been meaning to go out and sprint a fucking mile just to see what im at for a short run but haven’t done it yet

Cool man. My goal is to ruin a 5k with my girlfriend this summer sometime. She wants to do the color run i guess. If like to be able to sustain a ten minute mile pace by then. I’m positive I’ll do much better next week though so that will be my baseline.

wow, this guy is an olympian

Another great way to build up your lungs, try jogging while including 50-100 meters of sprinting every 5 min or so. You may not be able to run as long at first but in time it will help a lot.

Add a mile to that time and yes…LOL

Thats actually a great pace for the 3 mile run done in the Marines for our physical fitness test. If you ran it in 18 min or under you got a 100 pts for the running portion. Which I could never get LOL.

running sucks ass, much rather lift any day.