Does anyone in hamburg have some drumsticks i can have/borrow?

I have band practice this morning and realized all my sticks are broken. No place local is open, i don’t feel like driving all the way to guitar center…

guitar factory and music exchange are both closed… does fye have drum sticks? Media play did… can you think of anywhere else?

lol. i actually think best buy carries them. hang on i’ll check.

yep. 4 pack of shitty 5A’s for 10 bucks.

Time to get a few pairs of those unbreakable ones

my last pair were marching band sticks. almost an inch in diameter. I shit you not. BROKEN.

But were they made out of wood? I know there’s sticks out there made out of other materials.

I had metal sticks once but i kept cracking cymbals.\

crap, hamburg best buy doesn’t have them,…

zildjian rubber sticks (wood with rubber coating) are nice, never broken one of those yet

i was referring to galleria best buy.

i just got done breaking those, then i flipped em around, played them backwards and broke them again. I think i am going to cut up a broom.

wow…u must play some intense percusion!! im surprised u dont break more drum heads than sticks

It’s all the rimshots and highhats that destroy them…

Don’t they have composite ones? Time for some carbon-kevlar, son! Should be more forgiving than metal but still tough as nails.

yeah i need to look into some heavier duty sticks also. i usually use vic firth but i’ve been going through so many in my latest band practices that i’ve pretty much given up on them. also i noticed last week that from doing rim shots in the same consistent place that my rim is now dented… i actually forgot that i needed to run to the music store and pick up that stuff and some other things until i read this thread

sweet jesus here comes the rock and roll alarm clock…

I had to make do today:

I had one super thick one left so i taped two regular broken ones together.

…damn thats rediculous. what kind of music do you play?


it’s actually melodic hardcore. Super fast parts, some slower parts, all


haha i’ve never heard of melodic hardcore, but sounds interesting. any samles of your band or bands that sound like you?

we’re recording on sunday. It’s nothing groundbreaking, just fun.