Does anyone know any good dog breeders around here?

You gotta also think of how people are when they want specific breeds. Around here, almost 85-90% of the dogs in shelters are pits or pit mixes. Not everyone wants a dog like that due to their “reputation” (yes, I know it is bullshit as most of the sweetest dogs I know are pits) and how some landlords won’t allow them as well as home insurance companies. When I was shopping for home insurance, it asked if I owned a breed of dog from this list, and they were all dogs that have bad “reputations.” The list included German Shepherds, Pits, Dobermans, Rotties, and similar. It was bullshit.

When people are adopting a dog, they’re not just rescuing for the sake rescuing, they’re getting a companion. Some breeds are known for temperaments and behavior, shedding, etc. and some people do not want those attributes for their pet.