does anyone know why they tar & chip roads

To me it makes no sense and now i need a new windshield, and everyone i asked has no idea why this is done, anyone know the real reason why they do this

faster and cheaper than actually doing it the right way. :dunno:

x2. To PennDOT this makes the road ‘fixed’ so they can move onto other projects and it keeps people from bitching about their road.

better winter traction


i like the tar and chipped roads after they settle and the most loose rocks are off of them

it just sucks that these loose rocks ended up in redramair’s windshield.

ya,they taste great after the rocks are all gone

i sort of figured it might be for traction but it ruins them for months until all the loose gravel is cleared off, there was just an article in the paper about them doing this and theres a number to call im try to get reimbursed, but i will probably have a better chance in seeing god then them paying for a windshield

wow around Bethel Park, its a couple weeks tops…guess our roads have more traffic on them? :dunno:

its been like this for over a month, i seen them use the street sweeper to clean it up the one day . oh well no sense in bitching over it, was just sort of curious to why

It’s a freaking mess and I’ve never seen it anywhere else, but here in Pgh. IT SUCKS. Gets all over the car, wheels, etc, busts windsheilds etc. I avoid those streets for months after they “tar and chip” them…

I know a guy that got a new paint job on his truck after filling out some paper work from PenDOT. Don’t know how true this is, but he had new paint. :dunno:

not only traction. but its an extremely fast way of sealing up the cracks in the pavement before winter. also a way to get rid of waste oil/tar that is a biproduct of making fuel. it keeps moisture out of the cracks that then freezes

my buddy from highschool’s dad holds a patent on one of the biproducts of gasoline production used to keep the molds clean for jersey barriors.

it sucks when youre out riding and hitting twisties then all of a sudden you hit that garbage.

so people can lock up their brakes slide 80ft and tbone cars.

oh its great on the bike, and is what sucks is i have to use the road everyday or go 10 minutes out of the way


I’m guessing Thorn Run??? They just did that about a month ago. I was sitting at the light at Beaver Grade and Thorn Run and a huge rock chip got flung up from a tire and hit my shoulder (window was down) :wtf: