Oil and chips....

Why do they do it to roads…?

Don’t want to rant, but all it does in my eyes is fugck up my car.

man I just hit some fresh shit today on the way home from work. definitely less than an hour old. my fenderwells are black, wheels and doors got tar all over the place. I fuckin hate it

Yeah, it’s retarded.

Absolutely…why the piss do they do this? I got caught on an freshly oil and chipped road in my Mustang back when it was wearing BFG drag radials; I had tar stuck to my tires for weeks.

Supposedly it seals the road. I just love when they tar and chip over bumps and holes. Tar and chips may be my biggest pet peeve, even bigger than OBX stickers.

And you’re always sure to pass some a-hole in a piece of shit vehicle flying in the other direction spraying chips.

Worst idea ever. Just pay the extra money and pave the road properly.

i made this same post last year when my windshield got cracked twice cause of this

i had to get a new windsheild due to chips flying up off another car’s tires.

winter traction

I don’t know about winter traction. After 2 or 3 weeks of it being down, in the tracks of the cars it all gets compressed.

“This is often referred to as “Chip Seal”. A chip seal is a type of surface treatment readily used by smaller townships, counties, and occasionally inner urban applications, to extend the life of an existing, weathered, asphalt pavement. It describes a process in which asphalt is sprayed on the pavement surface and then immediately covered with aggregate chips and rolled. You may have also heard of “Sand Seals” which is basically the same process using sand aggregates. It’s economical and provides a waterproof cover.”

Above copied from here:

They use this garbage because it is cheap for them. If the total cost of damaged vehicles is added to the matrix, i am not sure that it saves much overall. But your friendly and helpful government doesn’t give a fuck about our car. It saves them money and lets them delay repaving some roads bby several years. They recently did this to a long stretch of Saxonburg Blvd in Ohara, Indiana, and Shaler. They took my main alternate route that i use to avoid that fucking disaster they created on 28, and they fucked IT up also.
I go down RT8 now

Its sad… its like you cant own a nice car around here because of tar and chipping… it drives me crazy, I remember when they did the main road to my house, try driving on ET Streets in that shit!

So basically… well, we already know that PA uses the shittiest pavement known to man. So here’s an idea. DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Spend a little extra on some higher quality pavement… Or just re-pave the road, instead of pissing around with the bullshit tar and chips.

anytime i come across a sign that says fresh oil and chips i turn around and find another way.

I love the oil and chips in my truck, it’s free sandblasting. :smiley:

tough to do in this area. Most of the ground underneath us is gone…coal mined to damn near nothin. They(penndot) repaved my road earlier this year(used to be all tarred and chipped), already it’s not nearly as smooth and level as it was. The ground shifts a lot plus add big trucks to the mix and you’ve got some problems

The Big trucks pay huge into taxes for roads

There are little or no mines where I live up in the North Hills… the roads would be damn nice if they were paved properly.

I remember reading on the history of the region that there really isn’t any land in western PA that wasn’t mined at some point in time.

And the maps that show where the mines are located are inaccurate.