Loose stone in Niagara county

Does anyone know what the deal with this is, they have been covering back roads with stone for at least the past few years. Pretty lame :tif:

they have done this more than a few years. The put a hot oil down then fine gravel. Car driving down the road get pushed down or crushed into the road. sweep the left over gravel onto shoulder. the eliminates the need to repave.

Yet it destroys cars. If your cr was chipped i bet you can get the county, town to pay for it

The do this in Eden/Boston too. Super annoying, and dangerous. I would hate to ride something 2 wheeled on it.

It’s interesting when they do a 55mph road and you get blasted with stones every time a car passes you. I avoided that road until it settled. It is fun to slide around the corners though.

I seriously doubt that. This is nothing like rocks falling out of a town truck.