Does anyone know.

look at what you fucking started, now you got him in here spewing, HOLY FUCK

/\ click the back button, or hit the down arrow… or just fuck off. Pick one.

Not that you care, but you have no idea how many of my friends and family I have referred work to, to every single other shop in there area over your because of how much of a fucking fuckface you are and how you act on the forums and facebook.

I honestly feel SORRY for everyone else at CRC because of the way YOU are and handle yourself online. CRC could be the greatest shop this side of the Mississippi, but as long as YOU conduct yourself the way you do, I will do my best to never have a family member or friend spend a fucking dime there.

How exactly do I conduct myself? Its a shame becasue I take a few extra minutes to type more than 31 words on some replies? Its wrong for me to delete off topic “your cars a shit box” disrespectful comments towards my customer that took the time to give my shop a pat on the back from the section that gives me the ability to moderate in such a way? Somehow its wrong that I post up 4 fishing rods I just bought and get called a rookie or whatever you did? Its wrong for me to answer technical questions with my knowledge on a public fourm? Its wrong for me to have been given the opportunity to ride along with a cop and see what its like going on in the cop car thats behind you with its lights on and tell people about my experience???

For a LONG time, I bit my tongue against your comments, until last week when you kept trolling and badgering me and 3 people messaged me “what the hell is d.gage’s problem with you?”… and I decided you know what your right enough is enough.

Feel free to stop by the shop, meet me for the first time. See some of our work in person, then continue on telling everyone not to come here, because then you actually have a leg to stand on other than “KrazyKid rubs me the wrong way online”. Ohh and a LONNNG time ago I was told by many people that you dont feel to kindly about me… as you can tell I havnet changed and I am still in business so sorry I cant jive well with you enough to be friended.

Well, that escalated quickly.


again, feel free to scroll past it. Seriously, take a video of yourself reading my reply out loud and post it… if it takes you any more than 1:23 seconds to read it get some better glasses or reading skills.

Its all valid and on topic. If you dont care to spend a min and a half to read it, move on.

wow are you fucking kidding me??? mike has been 100% stand up guy with me and everyone ive met that does business with crc… so the problem here is that he voices his opinion and types alot of words?? hmmmmm i think there is a block option in the fourm if you dont want to read what he has to say… maybe we should bam opinions!! need to get ahold of obama and get this new ban rolling!!! como will stand behind us!!!



+1 mike, kevin and eric are all stand up guys.

actually, my point was a cop will not get in trouble for pulling you over for no reason if they only do it once. yes it’s much easier for them to make up a reason because it wont look as bad for them, but they don’t have to. now obviously the cop is going to have a personal reason for doing this most likely. how do i know this, not because i’m in law school (doesn’t start for 2 months), or because i have been researching law since i was 12 and started skateboarding, but because i had a coworker who had a colonie cop who had personal problems with him. would pull him over for no reason at all, maybe twice in a month and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. cop would leave him alone for a couple months then do it again. went on for a little while then the cop got over the personal issue. never did my coworker get a ticket/reason for the stops. the guy was just fucking with him but he made sure that he didn’t do it enough to be considered harassement by law. now this was around 8 years ago so the law could of change, but i highly doubt they made it harder for cops to pull people over.

I’m sure it seems very likely that I am indeed “trolling” you because of the amount of posts that you produce in a day, but that is simply not the case. I never once made a comment about your shops work quality as I have never seen it in person, in the pictures that are posted it looks very good so I dunno :dunno.

As for the others jumping on my comment, Sorry I gave my own OPINION. My bad…

I wish nothing but the best to CRC in future endeavors and hope the shop breaks new ground in everything automotive related.

KKrazykid, Don’t worry, I’ll never make a post directed towards you again.

So I have to ask, why the giant change of heart?

The rest of it I apprecieate the response and look forward to moving on myself. Thank You.

Kind of like Pitman, What i try to say doesn’t get taken the way I meant it. So I might as well not say anything and I’m cool with that. Too many good, important thing in my life to worry about then talking shit on a forum.