Does anyone work for BORDER PATROL here?

i will probably being applying soon once i hit 21 and theres a very slim chance your staying in buffalo, i took 4 years of french thinking that it would help and it most likely wont help me staying here

hahah you should have taken spanish

I have a friend who works for border patrol…he had to go to NM for training, then Yuma, AZ for work…he has been in Yuma for about 3 years now, and is trying to transfer back here. its hard. other than chasing Mexicans, Yuma blows.

impossible, you are mandated (in border patrol, not with customs) to be stationed somewhere in the 4 mexican border states (CA, AZ, NM, TX) for “in theory” 2 years of probationary/intern period before you can apply for transfer positions…but ive heard of people putting in for transfers after a year and a half

the buffalo sector is expanding rapidly, but the number of jobs are limited…the people told me the jobs in buffalo will continue to increase, but the buffalo position isnt as much of an active job, rather a supervisor or “desk job” position, so its not as desireable…

haha, most def, yuma suuuuuuuuuucks

i got super lucky to be stationed in tucson…its the second station thats actually in a city and not on a border/remote town (the other being el paso, tx)

yeah, i talk to him often…says the closest “enjoyable” place is san diego lol. he loves the job, but HATES where he is.

Would you be able to find out if the border state mandate is for all positions. From what I have seen, the air and marine division seem like they are slightly seperate of the conventional ground assets. But then agian, I am wrong 90 precent of the time, this might be the truth here as well.

from my understanding, you have to transfer into both of those divisions, but you still have to put in your years on the border states to truly “learn the job”

I know they are direct hiring now for the air side at least. They need alot of FAA certificates, so I guess they had to go outside the current employee pool. They don’t say in the announcement or job description like the other jobs about southern border time. I will have to google some more, maybe have to call the guys in the falls that fly to get thier side. Thanks.

Sounds like an interesting job and working for the government is not a bad thing.

i have two friends that do border patrol. i was about to do this myself because it looks like a pretty decent job that can definitely lead to something better (fbi) down the road if that’s what you’re looking for.

if i hadn’t gotten my new job, i would probably be in arizona right meow.

wtf…did you just meow?

Cut that out right meow!!

it would be funny to do that to the arrested victims, except very few of them speak any english lol

A good friend of mine has been in the border patrol for awhile, he lived in yuma and el centro. I would never want to live there. He finally got a transfer after about 5 years but not back to buffalo. He is up north at the lake champlain/plattsburgh area now.