Does Obama Lie? or is that a lie?

So pumped I have an easy explanation for my vote this year; joe biden is a big supporter of Amtrak.

Why the fuck don’t we have high speed trains!?!?

We do along the northeast corridor. Its called the Acela.


It’s ashame that half the people in this country think like you and don’t vote.

Being naive never got me far.

I hope republicans win and I’ll see you in 3 years when I bump this thread and not a single fucking thing has changed, blame game will go on with excuses as to why the results arent happening, whether it be the previous president fucking it up for this one or the other party filibustering anything useful. People will still be unhappy with whoever is in charge and they will hope and pray that next election will be the one to make things right.

No better than doomstday sayers who keep predicting the apocalypse and keep saying this will be the one and when it doesn’t come they just change the date to the next one and firmly believe that THIS one, has got to be, most definitely the one…

Reminds me of the speed bump cartoon in the paper today. It’s a dude holding an “end is near” sign with balloons saying how it’s celebrating hits 50th yr on the corner.

The wheels of government do turn slow but change does happen. You shouldn’t just abandon the political process because you’re jaded for some reason. People that don’t vote get what they deserve. Even if the candidate I support loses at least I’m getting involved in the process and making an effort.

Your vote thanks to electoral college and this being a non swing state might as well be a non vote.

Voting to change is kind of like jumping to be closer to the sun.

By all technicalities you will get closer for a quick moment, so sure keep on jumping.

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

…and keep on going nowhere.

I’ll be in the same place you are.

Food for thought.

How many votes ago was that?

We’re already worlds apart because I exercise my rights an an American Citizen while you sit on the sidelines with your hands in your pockets.

Give me a candidate that deserves my vote in a ballot and I’ll gladly do so.

You put two monkeys in front of me and ask me, which one you want to rule 300 million people and I’ll walk away laughing.

If you think voting for an idiot thats further going to fuck shit up in his own self interest while putting on a show of smoke and mirrors make you more of a citizen than me, I laugh at you. You were granted citizenship by default, I made a clear choice and worked for it.

You’re like Paris Hilton saying she deserves her inherited money more than a guy who worked and made his own fortune.

If you don’t like it that I call a spade a spade, I can’t help you.

Ron Paul, bra.

Is he running independent again?

It’s unfortunate he’s not even taken seriously by the main stream media.

Goes back to show that if you’re not going to be as corrupt as the next guy, you won’t raise funds, get the media attention, or be taken seriously unless you have drama going on.

It’s not clear whether or not he’ll be running independent yet. I think if Romney chooses his son Rand as a VP, Ron will drop out altogether.

Either way, don’t they allow write-ins for POTUS elections?

I think people will start to take him seriously when they pull their heads out of their asses and realize what a mess this country really is.

Clearly no candidate will ever meet your requirements. Regardless of whether or not I was granted citzenship or immigrated for it I’m still going to stand-up for what I believe is right and get involved in any way I can. Why did you work so hard for your citizenship if you clearly have contempt for our system? I can tell you why. Because our system allows you the freedom to do that and while I don’t agree with what you say I’d gladly give my life protecting your freedom to do so. That’s what makes this country great.

That wont happen while each election gets sold as a cure from all problems, whether it be for the guy in second term or the new and improved version from the other party.

Even if Ron made it, the drama would be endless with him being cock blocked by both wings who never seem to agree with him. Hard to make changes when nobody approves or supports you other than grassroots voters.

I like Ron Paul and he makes a lot of common sense arguments in his books and speeches. You’re absolutely right though in that he couldn’t get anything pushed through without some serious pandering. Being an outsider in our two party system is a serious flaw and quite ashame.

I think the big problem with Ron Paul (which isn’t a problem to me, just to the mass of the people) is that he wants to put an end to a bunch of different government agencies and people view that as trying to eliminate “jobs for good, hard-working Americans” in a tough economy. He wants to eliminate the DHS, which people have come to think we need for our protection, as well as a bunch of other departments on the federal level that simply shouldn’t be there.