Does Pure Acetone improve gas mileage???

Check out this video, is it true that it helps gas mileage? Has anyone tried or does anyone use it?


all the helps with mileage. by the time you’ve changed to synthetic bought the new air filter and the can of fix-a-flat. not to mention the higher price of continuous synthetic oil changes .
it ends up being not so worth it.

not to mention the cost of the bottle of pure acetone. what are the long term effects of it on and engine also?

Oh, this has been discussed before.

One website actually says that it’s the “inherent vibrations of the carbonyl bond that mixes the gasoline.”

oh, this:

and the “ideal” automotive fuel is 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, so I don’t know how seriously I take them.

im almost nervous to try it…but does the internet lie?

So it does work, but has anyone tried it?

Is it safe for the engine? …this will be nice

I know where to get 55galons drums of pure acetone locally :stuck_out_tongue:

here are some FAQ i found about acetone

The link doesn’t work for me, probably the firewall here at work, but I assume this is in regards to adding a little acetone with your fillup.

There were a bunch of guys trying it on the Ford Expedition forum I sometimes read, back during the Katrina gas spike. Their experiences varied from it doing nothing, to it increasing mileage 1-2MPG but only for a short time. AKA, after a few fillups their mileage was the same as without acetone. More than likely they were unconciously not getting into the throttle as much because adding the mystery ingredient had them thinking more about conservation. A few tankfull’s later and they went back to their normal driving style, and normal mileage returned.

Honestly, I put acetone on the same level as that bullshit tornado fuel saver, and those miracle magnets you wrap your fuel line with.

Face it, anything that really could significantly boost MPG, without offsetting the cost savings in gasoline used with it’s own cost, would already be a part of every car sold. To put it another way… Do you think the big car manfactures would be adding all the costs of hybrid technology to their cars to get a 20-25% increase in fuel economy if they could do the same by simply slapping on an acetone injection system?

Every time gas goes up these internet “secret gas saving contraptions” come up again. If they really worked they wouldn’t be a secret for more than 10 minutes.

yes, pour an organic solvent in your plastic fuel tank and run it through your rubber lines. The seals will love you for it.

These threads make Walter cry.

or maybe he is laughing… :mamoru:

Want to really save gas?

  1. Make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  2. Make sure your air filter is clean.
  3. Make sure your O2 sensors are working.

And most importantly…
4. Stop driving like an asshole.

Do all those and you’ll more than likely see 20-30% in fuel savings. Oh, but wait, that requires actual change on your part, not some miracle additive/boycott/hardware, so that will never work.


Want to really save gas?

  1. Make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  2. Make sure your air filter is clean.
  3. Make sure your O2 sensors are working.

And most importantly…
4. Stop driving like an asshole.

Do all those and you’ll more than likely see 20-30% in fuel savings. Oh, but wait, that requires actual change on your part, not some miracle additive/boycott/hardware, so that will never work.


(not so)common sense post of the day!!


yes, pour an organic solvent in your plastic fuel tank and run it through your rubber lines. The seals will love you for it.


Well, over the course of a century. This is a 0.03% mixture of acetone.


Want to really save gas?

  1. Make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  2. Make sure your air filter is clean.
  3. Make sure your O2 sensors are working.

And most importantly…
4. Stop driving like an asshole.

Do all those and you’ll more than likely see 20-30% in fuel savings. Oh, but wait, that requires actual change on your part, not some miracle additive/boycott/hardware, so that will never work.


Stop making sense Jay. :ham:

but what if i could drive like an asshole ANNNNDDDDD get 25mpg

Then you’d have a motorcycle.


Then you’d have a motorcycle.


Fucking best RX3 reply ever :biglaugh: And he speaks the truth. :slight_smile:

Yes I believe in acetone. Would I use it, no. It will give you better mileage and make your engine run cleaner and all that, but I doubt it will give you the 20% mpg gains some people claim, I say maybe five.

Properly dissolved in enough gas I doubt it will hurt anything. Now if you use too much or spill some pure acetone on your paint or plastic gas cap, that’s a problem. Thats why I wouldn’t use it. Just seems like too much hassle for the fuel money you’d save after buying the acetone.


Well, over the course of a century. This is a 0.03% mixture of acetone.


Not exactly pure acetone now then is it?:hay: