improve your gas mileage

I wonder if it actually works? Has anyone tried/heard of this yet?


its been debated about a billion times on off-topic. never with any conslusive results.

i’ll try it.

i bet it kills o2 sensors

Good luck getting pure Acetone - They card people for nail polish remover for peets sake

I’ve not heard of acetone but rather using toluene as an additive…I’ve never tried it tho…know someone who did tho and she thought it was worth it to throw a couple gallons in the tank for race days…(she’s running a vortech supercharger in her Z…)

there are tons and tons of information on this… it ‘increases’ gas milage just like 93 octane increases milage over 87 octane.

toluene and acetone can easily be purchased as paint supply stores and some hardware stores.

Remember the spider in my sink?? Poured a third of a liter bottle of pure acetone on him… $3 at sally beauty supply, didn’t get carded.

you can get gallons at hardware stores!

where do you buy your chemicals? walmart?

i went to walmart and the register prompted that they card me for an R rated movie, but not the knife I was also purchasing…


WTF?!? I guess I need to start going to a different Hard ware store I’ve been to walmart too, got carded… GAAAHHH

that’s only because you haven’t posted pics yet. post pics=no card :smiley:

Thats cause parents dont care about their kids stabbing people, they just dont want them exposed to dirty words.


you ever notice how parents didn’t give too much of a shit that their kids were playing Vice City, killing people and rampaging, but when they found out you could pick up a hooker they shit their pants?

the retarded majority in this country has the oddest priorities…

running to the paint store everytime i need gas, isnt exactly convenient