does the city of buffalo

plead down speeding tickets ie: parking tickets and school for speeding?

my license is suspended as of tomorrow if i dont get this taken care of, im guessing i should just pay for it.

fucking $200 down the shitter. :tdown:

I’m pretty sure Buffalo is a no plea area…

If you don’t pay for it i’ll drive you around all the time. Except You have to come to work with me, and I’m not taking you to where you work. And you’ll get 1 trip to the grocery store a week.

Sound good?

My fee is $200.

dont you deliver for a living…should probably get that taken care of

buffalo speeding tickets = federal pound me in the ass prison.
Seriously, youre gonna get the points, only option is to take point reduction before they show up

nothing you can do. buffalo tix SUCK

sweet, 4 points and a $200 fine.

my insurance prob wont go up, will it? this is the first speeding ticket i have gotten in years…

it won’t until you renew your insurance, they wont bother in the middle of a contract.