ticket in buffalo

so i apparently ran a stop sign at the corner of perry and chicago streets on my way to work. I didnt even see a stop sign. a co-worker told me its in a shity spot were alot of people dont see it. so i got a ticket for running it. do i waste my time and go to court or do i just plead guilty and pay the fine. also how many points is it?

plead guilty

ya i was told to becasue buff court doesnt reduce tickets. also what am i looking at point wise?

http://www.nysdmv.com/license.htm#points its 3 if i do what people say and plead guilty. is this the best option

don’t fuck around with the city court because they will nail you to the wall.

please explain?

you can’t plead something down in buffalo, nyc or albany. so unless you have a valid case that the stop sign was not visible, you will get convicted

It would be nice if people gave you some real answers instead of the usual
stupid shit.

The deal is simple. The city of Buffalo does not reduce tickets
BUT they DO throw them out. If you plead not guilty you will go in for a Hearing. The hearing rooms are small and they fit maybe 30 people so its not like the clusterfuck CIRCUS like at Amherst or Cheektowaga.

The process goes pretty quick and the Judge is VERY neutral (unlike the douche bag judges at other courts who back the cops no matter what).
You get a VERY fair shake.

There are 2 ways to get out of this ticket.

#1 - The cop does not show up 3 times. ( HE MUST BE PRESENT)
If you show 3 times and the cop doesnt, they drop the ticket.

#2 - Plead your case successfully.

#2 is very doable and I have seen several examples.
Take photos of the intersection from where you were sitting/driving.
Bring them to court. A small diagram may help. The judge will see you as more credible if you make an effort to plead your case. It show that you believe in what you are saying and he will be more inclined to believe you.

The evidence does not have to be overwhelming. These cases are completely at the judges discretion. If he believes you then the ticket is gone. Its not hard and WELL worth the effort. Court time is 30min - 60min depending.

ok so what happens if you plead guilty and fail?

you just pay the fine and surcharge like you would anyway (assuming you mean plead not guilty and fail)

and the points stick

I forgot to add that the judge will have your DMV record on his computer screen as you are standing in front of him.
Your record will be taken into consideration when making a decision and toward fines (if you get the shaft)

lol well in that case i will just plead guilty and pay the fine… i have numerous tickets thats have been pleeded down to parking tickets and loud mufflers lol i will just take the fine and points.

Then they are parking tickets… you were convicted of a parking ticket… once you pay the fine that’s all they see… I’m friends with a judge and he pulled my record… one traffic related arrest and a shit load of parking tickets


My friend who was a Judge downstate ran my record and asked if I had trouble parking in legal spots because of all my parking tickets on my record.

I am kind of in the same boat with a ticket in Rochester. I am just banking on a fair judge and hopefully will give me a non point violation.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As someone who’s actually been to Buffalo court I had to comment on this.

A prick cop would always sit on Sanders near my first apartment and write stop sign tickets for this little dead end street that never had any cars coming off it. Regardless of the lack of traffic from the dead end the traffic coming down Sanders had a stop sign, which people constantly just rolled through. Me, I never did, because living there I knew this prick cop was constantly sitting on the dead end street to write tickets. I’m talking 3 or 4 days a week at least once a day.

So one day I stop and take off real quick from the stop sign and about a 1/4 mile later I get pulled over. He says I ran the stop sign, which I know I didn’t. I go back to where he was sitting and it’s clear there is no way he could even see my low Fiero if it stopped at the line because of the parked cars. I go back in my apartment, grab my camera, park at the stop sign and go take pictures from where the cop was sitting. You can’t see my car at all so I figure I’m all set.

Buffalo judge cuts me off as I’m explaining my case, barely glances at the pictures, guilty, you can appeal if you want. I’m so glad I almost ever go into the city anymore. Nothing but corruption and stupidity.

I always take Villa. less BS on that street.

At the time I lived on Sanders.

Word, I’m on hoyer.

This is the truth!

i went to the buffalo CT with my gf because she got caught speeding on the 190 by a trooper, who told her to show up to court and he wouldnt we brought a lawyer freind anyways just to be sure…

Sure as shit, he didnt show, and even wrote a note telling the judge that he was not going to show, and to drop the case… A+ guy!..

But i got to watch person after person try to make their case… the troopers would read this well rehearsed speel about how they had calibrated their radar that morning… and the judge would ask them the same questions like Did you target the car, are you sure it was the same car, what did your radar say etc etc… then he would look at the person who plead not guilty after the 20 minute speech by the officer, and ask if they had anything to add… to which 99% of the people were nervrous and just said nope, and the judge said guilty, do not pass go, here are your points & fine…

out of the 45 people in the room (we were last because even with the note/lawyer, the judge made us wait until everybody had finished on the off chance the officer would show up) we were the only ones to get off with a not guilty… everybody else wasted 2 hours of their lives

he finally dismissed us

I just recently received a parking ticket for parking on the side of a street for about 15 minutes. As I was walking out of the building and back to my car I noticed a ticket on the window. It was a 35 dollar ticket for parking in a “reserved” spot. I was bewildered because there was absolutely no signage, meters, hydrants, or anything to warrant a ticket.

Needless to say I paid the ticket. It’s not worth the hassle to me. Buffalo is a ridiculous city.